Following important cannabis news articles every day can be a real burn-out, we know. That’s why the Emerald rolls up a chronicle of the headiest news hits, and passes them to you at the end of each week. We Bring You: The Dime.
Written by Katie Bryan | Emerald Magazine
Vermont Joint Reform Bill
On Friday, September 11th, Vermont lawmakers amended and approved a judicial reform bill to automatically expunge records for previous low-level cannabis convictions. The bill, known legislatively as S. 234, would also decriminalize possession for adults up to 2 ounces of flower, 10 grams of hashish, and four mature plants, according to the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), which is twice the current legal limit. The bill also serves as a penalty reduction for cannabis-related offenses, assigning fees instead of jail time for offenses.
The Medical Marijuana Research Act of 2019 (H.R. 3797), which would permit scientists to analyze cannabis produced by companies operating under state law, has advanced in the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
H.R. 3797 favors a simplification of the application process and would also shorten the approval time for researchers seeking to analyze cannabis. This initiative would be a huge leap forward for the industry, and would allow researchers the access and opportunity to test cannabis’ effects efficacy.
West Coast Wildfire Destruction
Wildfires are obliterating the lives and livelihood of the cannabis industry on the West Coast. As fire season is upon us, the cannabis industry in Washington, Oregon, and California have suffered major losses in burned crops, as well as damages inflicted by smoke, heat, and fire retardants. The impacts of this deadly fire season will likely reverberate well into 2021, as it is too early to properly diagnose damages at this time.
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