Photo by towfiqu98 Dr. Pepper Hernandez ND, Ph.D., CTC, CNHP in ECS and Naturopathic Medicine, is a cannabis therapy consultant, founder and education director of the Cannabis Holistic Institute. As a holistic health practitioner, I often receive questions about natural remedies that can support age-related conditions like arthritis and dementia. Among the options, … [Read more...] about Can Cannabis Help Manage Age-Related Conditions Like Arthritis or Dementia?
Could Cannabis Be The Best Anti-Aging Component? Telomeres and Brain Health
By: Dr. Pepper Hernandez Wouldn’t it be wonderful if cannabis' healing properties can reverse aging? A recent study is leading us to investigate just that. The results are adding to a promising list of findings that should continue to encourage cannabis research. According to new research published in the scientific journal Nature Medicine, a team of researchers gave mice … [Read more...] about Could Cannabis Be The Best Anti-Aging Component? Telomeres and Brain Health
Calculating Your Edibles Dosage
When creating edibles, the exciting but sometimes challenging part of the process is making sure the dosage is right for you. Many of us want our edibles to be consistent in strength across the batch. So here are a few tips and tricks that help ensure you're calculating the best dosage for yourself. FIRST THING'S FIRST — make sure you know the percentage of THC in the … [Read more...] about Calculating Your Edibles Dosage
Cannabis Can be a Mood Stabilizer, but Does it Affect Serotonin Levels?
Cannabis and serotonin have distinct effects on the body, and mapping out what these substances are may be helpful in understanding “self-medication.” Serotonin is a chemical neurotransmitter which acts as a natural mood stabilizer. When these neurotransmitters become imbalanced, they have been correlated with depression. To help regulate the neurotransmitters, some take … [Read more...] about Cannabis Can be a Mood Stabilizer, but Does it Affect Serotonin Levels?
Top Five Herbs that Work Synergistically with Cannabis
There are common herbs that work well for many different ailments or discomforts, but did you know that there are some that work really well with cannabis? Let’s take a look at my top five, that are highly recommended for use in tinctures, salves, and tea brews. Cannabis and Lavender It is common knowledge that lavender is a relaxing herb, but did you know how well it … [Read more...] about Top Five Herbs that Work Synergistically with Cannabis