Can cannabis spark the realms of creativity? To some the answer may be obvious, but the “if” and “how” have long been debated.
Some people believe that cannabis is only good for getting high. Some believe it’s a powerful medicine. Thanks to Reefer Madness, many people believe that productive members of society don’t, won’t, and shouldn’t consume cannabis. At least they did… With cannabis legalization gaining national support, people can now easily learn more about this mysterious and misunderstood plant. This is leading to more exploration of the plant’s benefits.
For centuries, cannabis has helped to relax, inspire, encourage, and heal. Herb and the arts go together like water and bongs for many different types of creative personalities. The relaxing and creative effects of this incredible plant have helped spark the imaginations of many.
Artist in Several Fields Find Creativity With Cannabis
Performers and Musicians
Kirsten Dunst, who coincidentally played Mary Jane in the 2002 version of Spiderman, is an actress that supports the herb. She believes that If everyone smoked weed, the world would be a better place. Kirsten has found inspiration and clarity with cannabis like so many before her, and is a powerful voice for the community.
Carlos Santana has been blessing the world with smooth sounds for decades. This may come as no surprise to many, but Carlos Santana is an open supporter of cannabis. He even has a cannabis inhaler called Santana Smooth, offered exclusively at Marisol Therapeutics in Pueblo, Colorado. They are like their name; smooth and as potent as the intoxicating sounds of Carlos Santana himself.
Writers and Poets
Carl Edward Sagan was an author, astrophysicist, astronomer, astrobiologist, cosmologist, author, science communicator, and popularizer born in Brooklyn, New York in 1934. Mr. Sagan was an open supporter of cannabis. He was quoted saying, “Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.” Herb definitely helps many individuals find the spark of creativity they desire.
Maya Angelou, the legendary African-American poet and activist is known for her open acceptance of cannabis. Though Maya gained her wings in 2014, her memory and words will live on throughout time. Was cannabis responsible for her greatness? Most certainly not, but it did help a brilliant poet and activist to look at life in a different light. In her book, “The Collected Autobiographies of Maya Angelou,” she said, “Smoking grass eased the strain for me. I made a connection at a restaurant nearby. People called it Mary Jane, hash, grass, gauge, weed, pot, and I had absolutely no fear of using it.”
A Bowl of Creativity Waiting To Be Sparked
Whether it be through relaxation, or for clarity, cannabis may just help pave the way for your creative spark to ignite into a passionate flame.
When it comes to what strains seem to work best for inspiring creativity, you may want to check these out.
- Chemdawg
- Jack Herer
- Lambs Bread AKA Lambs Breath (a rumored favorite of Bob Marley)
- Casey Jones
- Girl Scout Cookies
- Blue Dream
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