Cannabis smoke as thick as honey pours from the gravity bong, spilling over the water bucket. The opaque golden fumes are intoxicating. One inhale from the bucket gravity bong makes even the most seasoned stoners cough.
The bucket gravity bong is a classic DIY smoking device renowned for its powerful hits. Made out of a plastic bottle and a bucket, the gravity bong only needs a pinch full of weed to produce opulent amounts of smoke.
There are many different homemade smoking devices, like the apple pipe or one hitter pen. The gravity bong is definitely one of the most powerful. Luckily it’s made using common household items and only takes about five minutes. Grab a gallon-sized plastic jug, a large bucket, scissors, and aluminum foil or a bowl piece.
How to Make A Bucket Gravity Bong Using Common Household Items
First crush the plastic bottle to make it easier to cut off its bottom third. Set it aside.
Second, make the bowl to hold the cannabis flower. There are two different methods to create the bowl piece.
The first is with aluminum foil. To make a bowl out of aluminum, fold the foil into a square and place it over the open bottle. Fold the sides over the edges and press a divot into the center. Use a needle to poke about ten tiny holes into the foil so that air can draw through. Make sure the holes are not so large that the cannabis flower falls through.
The second method uses a glass bowl. It is smoother to take a hit from a glass or metal bowl piece then a foil bowl because it contaminates the taste of the weed. Simply cut a hole into the bottle cap with a knife and fit a bowl piece into it. Make sure the fit is tight so that air cannot escape.
That’s all there is to do! Now it’s time to assemble the parts and take a hit from the homemade gravity bucket bong.

How to Smoke From a Bucket Gravity Bong
Finally it is time to smoke! Submerge the plastic bottle in a large bucket of water. It is important not to leave the bowl on the bottle when placing it into the water because the pressure might cause the cannabis flower to blow out.
After most of the bottle is under water, lightly screw on the bowl packed with dried herb. Don’t screw on the bowl too tight otherwise it is difficult to take it off to take a hit.
Then light the cannabis flower while slowly pulling the plastic bottle up so that air sucks the smoke in. When the bottom of the bottle is almost out of the water, unscrew the bowl from the top. Quickly inhale from the top while pushing the bottle back into the water.
New users beware — one hit from this device is highly concentrated. There are also combustible materials in plastic that may cause serious health concerns, so proceed with discretion.
Making a bucket gravity bong is an instant cure to a boring day and a simple DIY if in a pinch for a smoking device. While one can always go buy a bong, it is satisfying to smoke from something self-made.

How freaking stupid. Might as well make sure the weed has mold and pesticides. Why print this shit? This is not healthy!
Rex what would you know about this ? you obviously not a smoker .. its called a grvity bong not a wet damp place to store your weed. and these are quite fun .. dont be one of those dicks that rain on parades.. if you dont like it forget it and move on .. and what a waste of space .. the person doing the bong hit .. should have filled that full and taken it all in .. if you going to do it .. do it right and proper