Caps by Cookies gives a whole new perspective to ‘shrooms.
Cookies is a California-based hemp company that has expanded into multiple states. They have also grown their inventory beyond CBD-infused products, and now offer a line of mushroom and CBD capsules. The capsules come in two varieties: a daytime clarity blend and a nighttime five-in-one immunity blend. I tried both for about two weeks, and this is what happened.
Daytime Mushroom + CBG Capsules
450 mg CBD, 300 mg CBG
4,500 mg Lion’s Mane, 4,500 mg Cordyceps
$55 per bottle
The daytime energy terpene blend bottle comes with 30 CBD capsules in a small glass jar with a child-proof cap. It is advertised as their energy/clarity blend meant to lift a user’s energy and sharpen focus. It is made with CBD, CBG, two different kinds of mushrooms, and a terpene blend.
According to the lab results, no toxins or pesticides were detected. The capsules are supposed to contain 25 mg of cannabinoids per capsule. But results showed that the capsules contained 20 mg of cannabinoids less than the advertised, or 730 mg total (24.3 mg per capsule). This is about 3% less than what was advertised.
According to CBD research, cannabis-infused products should always contain a range of +/- 10% of the cannabinoids advertised on the product’s label. If a product falls within that range it gets an “A” rating, 20% earns a “B,” 30% earns a “C,” and 31% or more earns an “F” rating. This product would get an “A.”
The ‘Shrooms
Though these products are made with mushrooms, they are the non-psychedelic kind. Consumers will not see any crazy colors or speak with higher powers when taking these capsules. However, users may reap health benefits from these fungi.
Cookies make their CBD capsules with 4,500 mg of Lion’s Mane, and 4,500 mg of Cordyceps. Lion’s Mane, large white mushrooms, resembles a lion’s mane with their shaggy appearance. According to Healthline, there are quite a few health benefits to Lion’s Mane, the main one (pun intended) being it stimulates the growth of brain cells which could protect against dementia, help reduce anxiety and depression symptoms, and reduce inflammation.
Cordyceps also has many health benefits for humans. According to Healthline, Cordyceps are parasitic fungi that grow on the larva of insects, sprouting long stems from the insect’s body. When consumed, Cordyceps increases the body’s ATP production, which delivers energy to the muscles and may boost exercise performance. Research also shows that Cordyceps has anti-aging properties, a potential to slow tumor growth, and contain a certain type of sugar that could help treat type 2 diabetes.
This product is also made with a 30.3 mg terpene blend. There are seven different terpenes in this blend. Some of those include β-Pinene, α-Phellandrene, and Terpinolene. These terpenes increase cognitive function, mental alertness, reduce pain and sensitivity, and even act as anti-cancer agents in the body.
The Effects of the Daytime Capsules
The directions say to take two CBD capsules with water, and the effects will begin within 15-90 minutes. That’s a pretty big time span, but everyone’s body processes things differently.
When I opened the bottle of capsules, I noticed it had a subtle, earthy scent that also smelled like cereal. When I popped two in my mouth with water, I didn’t notice any flavor, except a mild, earthy taste.
As for overall effects, I didn’t notice much. I didn’t feel more focused than usual, which was unfortunate because I could have used the extra focus. After about 30 to 45 minutes, however, I noticed that my overall mood improved.
I have been extra stressed with school work recently and so I was not always in the best mood. But after taking these, I felt like my head was a bit more clear. I also did not feel as stressed about all the work I needed to complete.
I wish I noticed more effects because I was really excited about trying these and the Cookies brand has a really great reputation. Although, that’s not to say that others won’t notice more effects.
Rating: 3/5 emeralds
Nighttime Mushroom + CBN Capsules
225 mg CBD, 150 mg CBN
9000 mg Mushroom Blend
30.3 mg Terpene Blend
$55 per bottle
The nighttime immunity blend, otherwise known as Bed Head, features a five-in-one mushroom blend, CBD, CBN, and a terpene blend. Cookies say the CBD capsules promote rejuvenation and restful sleep. It comes in a 30 count glass bottle with a childproof lid.
The lab test results were concerning. The website advertises 375 mg of cannabinoids per bottle. However, the lab test results reveal that there is 30 mg of cannabinoids “per unit.” This was confusing, as I could not determine what per unit meant. For example, I added up the stated cannabinoid content, 225 mg of + 150, which equals 375 mg. With 30 capsules per bottle, that’s 12.5 mg of cannabinoids per capsule — which is not 30 mg per capsule. So the math is not adding up. I have reached out for a comment but have not heard back.
The Five-in-one Immunity Blend
The immunity blend has five different mushrooms: Chaga, Maitake, Reishi, Shiitake, and Turkey Tail.
According to Healthline, Chaga mushrooms are full of antioxidants and help boost immunity. Studies show that Chagas help prevent and fight cancer. Healthline notes that while it does lower blood sugar, patients should speak to their doctor before taking Chaga if they are on insulin.
Maitake mushrooms grow at the bottom of Oak, Maple, and Elm trees. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamin B and C, amino acids, and more, Healthline adds. Additionally, studies show they suppress tumor growth in mice.
Reishi mushrooms are used widely in Eastern medicine. Like the others, they are well known by many for boosting the immune system and helping to fight cancer. They can also help fight anxiety and depression.
Shiitake mushrooms are a classic mushroom that nearly everyone’s heard of, whether as an ingredient in food or as a joke in the movie Spy Kids. But like the other mushrooms, these can also boost health. For example, they are thought to help with circulation, strengthen the immune system, and fight cancer.
Lastly, the Turkey Tail Mushroom, which gets its name from its bright colors, is full of antioxidants. Studies show it helps boost the immune system — especially in cancer patients. Healhtline also reports that Turkey Tails also enhance the success of cancer-fighting treatments, and may even strengthen gut health.
The terpene blend is similar to the daytime blend with a few add-ons. The terpenes have antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties and promote better cognitive function. The blend includes terpenes like Valencene, which is used in bug repellents and makeup. It just so happens that mosquitoes and ticks do not like this particular terpene.
Did TheNighttime Capsules Work?
The directions are the same for these CBD capsules — take two with water — though the bottle specifically says to take them at night. These small capsules also do not have much of a scent, only a slight chemical aroma. They do not have too much of a taste, either. Although with these ones I got a slight plant flavor.
I did not notice much of a difference after taking them. But I will say that I have had some pretty interesting dreams during the week that I was taking these. I did not remember my dreams every night, but the couple of times I did were really fun.
2.5/5 emeralds
Worth it?
Compared to other mushroom products on the market, the pricing was on the higher end. But it is worth noting that most of those products do not have CBD in them, and for that fact, I say the pricing is fair.
I think if I were to take these for more than a week or two I might see some more significant results. So I do not want to say these are bad products or that they did not work. Mushrooms have a lot of healing properties and can be really beneficial for humans. But the test results for the nighttime blend did not make sense, and for a product with so many different ingredients, knowing exactly what’s in it and how much is in it is important.
Que interesante
Gracias por la información
I been taking the nighttime ones for almost two weeks because my sleeping problems, but, I haven’t noticed anything yet 😢 can you tell me if I need to take them more than that? Thank you! My sleeping problems are more than two years:(
This was a VERY helpful review as I have recently picked the daytime blend up. It works really well for me. So well that I needed to learn even more about this product. I have recommended it to others. Thanks for this thoughtful and thorough summation.
Be careful with these. I took for 2 months. Thought they helped at first. Caused me anxiety, panic attacks and mania (which I never had before in my life) After stopping, it took me about a month to feel normal again . Never again will I take!