The Sleep Tight Tincture with 1,500 of CBD. Photo credit: HereNow CBD.
When it comes to sleep, everyone has their own patterns. Some fall asleep very easily, while others, not so much.
Struggling to fall asleep, or stay asleep can wreak havoc on our bodies, ultimately affecting our entire lifestyles. Luckily, HereNow CBD has created an herbal sleep supplement composed of a full-spectrum hemp formula with 1,500 mg of CBD.
The Sleep Tight Tincture

The CBD for Slumber- Sleep Tight comes in a 1 ounce-sized dropper bottle, with simple directions and important notes about the ingredients. The oil is gluten free. Additionally, it is free of solvents, heavy metals, and pesticides — compounds that come up too often in lower grade CBD oil.
According to Leafly, “pesticide is the most serious buzzword in all of cannabis right now. The reason is, for consumers, the word has been directly linked to the thought of “dangerous cannabis.”
However, HereNow CBD customers can rest easy — literally. Sleep Tight is independently lab tested. The company attaches a certificate of analysis to the product on their website.
Other prevalent ingredients in the Sleep Tight tincture are medium chain triglycerides (MCT oil) and of course, CBD oil.
MCT oil has many benefits, including promoting sleep. Meanwhile the CBD oil steps in to help relax the mind and body for rest.
As reported by the American Sleep Association, “some research indicates that [CBD] may interact with specific receptors, potentially affecting the sleep/wake cycle.”
Sleep Tight in my Life
According to HereNow CBD, the company suggests that consumers “use Sleep Tight daily to support restful sleep that leads to better days.”
Personally, I don’t struggle to stay asleep. But I do struggle with getting to sleep. Winding down at the end of the day always seems to take its toll on me once I finally get to rest. For that reason, I was excited to try the Sleep tight Tincture. To start, I took the tincture about an hour before I went to bed.
I felt increasingly anxious that night. But about 20 minutes after I took the first drops, I started to feel peaceful and tired. After I fell asleep, I stayed asleep and felt refreshed the next morning.
So, not only did their CBD sleep aid help me wind down and get to bed sooner and promote great night sleep, but it also helped improve my daily lifestyle.
Needless to say, my first impression was very pleasing, feeling better that I knew exactly what I was putting into my body.
An experience with HereNow CBD’s Sleep Tight CBD oil is one that goes beyond words and will create a zen escape before bed, or better yet, knock users out immediately.
Written by Emma Richter
In recent months, I have had difficulty sleeping. Work problems are probably to blame for this. Because of all the stress in my life, I have also experienced problems in my personal life. I understand that I have to check my hormones and to reduce stress, I will try CBD oil, hopefully, it will be helpful.
I suffer from insomnia on a regular basis. Workplace difficulties and budgetary constraints are most likely to blame for this. I understand that I need to monitor my hormone levels, and I intend to use CBD oil for stress relief in the hopes that it would be beneficial in the long run.
Lately, achieving a good night’s sleep has proven challenging for me, likely attributed to work-related stress. The pressures from work have started to spill over into my personal life, causing additional complications. Recognizing the impact of stress on both aspects of my life, I am considering exploring solutions such as checking my hormones and incorporating CBD oil into my routine in the hope that it might offer some relief.