Toastyy’s HIgh CBD Hand and Body Lotion. Photo credit: Toastyy.
Our bodies change over time, especially for women. From puberty to pregnancy, there is one thing that marks us the most — stretch marks. Though very common, stretch marks can be something people feel they need to hide or get rid of.
As someone with stretch marks, I feel that hiding them isn’t necessary. But a lotion or serum here and there doesn’t hurt, either. Luckily enough, Toastyy’s High CBD Hand and Body Lotion, created by founder Jamie Lea, may be able to help with stubborn stretch marks.
Understanding our Body’s Lines
As women and even men grow, their bodies do as well, leaving the skin to stretch over time. It’s a natural progression that more than not, leaves scars.
According to Everyday Health, “90% of women who have been pregnant have stretch marks, and 70% of people develop stretch marks during puberty.”
Almost resembling the stripes of a tiger, some women walk around fiercely with their stretch marks, while others might be insecure about theirs.
“These lines [stretch marks] are different in color and texture than your normal skin, and they range from purple to bright pink to light gray. When you touch stretch marks with your fingers, you might feel a slight ridge or indentation in your skin,” reports Healthline.
My Stretch Mark Journey
For me, when puberty hit around age 12-13, I started to notice imprints on my body that were almost alien to me.
Once I reached eighth grade, I started to play field hockey, a sport that I went on to play from then until my senior year of high school. With the constant squatting and running, my body started to change, and with it, so did the stretch marks.
Becoming more pronounced, I started to notice red and pink lines near my outer thighs and my lower stomach. Instantly, I remember feeling like I wanted to conceal them, until I found out just how normal they were.
Though I got them on my thighs and stomach, they aren’t always in the same placement for everybody.
According to Medical News Today, “the most common areas affected include: abdomen, breasts, hips, flank, buttocks and thighs.”
The Ingredients and Their Effect on Stretch Marks

The two first ingredients in Toastyy’s Hand and Body Lotion are aloe vera and coconut oil — well known for helping heal and soothe stretch marks, reports Healthline.
Additionally, according to Times Now News, “aloe vera acts as a natural healing agent. You can apply aloe vera gel on your skin and leave it on for some time… this process will also help in softening your skin.”
Next up is coconut oil, which many know as a superfood. When it comes to stretch marks, “coconut oil can decrease the appearance and severity of stretch marks, increase the elasticity of the skin, and promote healthy skin overall where applied,” according to Organic Facts.
And besides those two key ingredients, Toastyy’s cream also contains CBD.
“Studies are showing positive results on CBD as a form of treatment for the skin. Experts reveal that CBD might help to improve skin elasticity, reduce cellulite and stretch marks,” reports Cannabis MD.
Noticeable Difference in my Stretch Marks
After applying a small but gracious amount of Toastyy’s High CBD Lotion, I saw results in about an hour or two.
The parts of my skin that were raised by the stretch marks had almost fallen back into place with the rest of my skin, leaving a smooth finish in the end. But, being that I just started using it, I feel that the cream would have more of an effect if used for a longer period of time.
It was hard to tell if the coloring of my skin had changed, as my stretch marks have been changing colors over the years. But it is safe to say that there was a noticeable difference in my skin after just a few uses.
Because of this, I plan to continue applying Toastyy’s CBD cream weekly, if not daily, to help heal my stretch marks, and soothe my skin.
Written by Emma Richter
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