Now that the year is (finally) over, it’s time to welcome the New Year with positive vibes and certainty that this year will be better than last. Healing crystals are one way to help you embrace this time of year.
Many believe that healing crystals are a great way to remind someone of their purpose, and bring good energies to aid in the journey to becoming one’s highest self.
According to astrophysicist Carl Sagan in his book The Demon-Haunted World, crystal healing practices were used by many ancient civilizations, dating all the way back to the fabled land of Atlantis. Today, however, the practice is commonplace in spirituality. We created a list of five crystals to help embrace the New Year and bring the best in the year to come.
1.Clear Quartz Crystal
Known to many as the “Master Healer,” clear quartz is a definite must have in a crystal collection. It’s especially good for this time of year because this stone can help connect the mind, body and soul, and bring one back to their center. Starting the year with clarity and peace is a great way to attract positive energy and keep one on track to achieve their goals and then some. Speaking of goals, clear quartz is also said to aid concentration, focus and memory, according to Healthline. Try using it to set intentions for this year by holding it in one hand while visualizing future achievements.
2. Citrine
Citrine, aka the “Lucky Merchant’s Stone,” is said to attract prosperity and success, reports The Spruce. The stone is great for this time of year as it is thought to help reinvigorate ambition by strengthening self-worth and bringing a spirited, flowing energy. It has an optimistic and sunny vitality that welcomes motivation and drive. Keep this crystal around a desk or work place to remind oneself to keep moving forward.
3. Rainbow Moonstone
As one might guess from the name, rainbow moonstone is a gorgeous crystal that emanates a variety of different colors which become more diverse the more someone looks at it. To be clear, this stone is actually not a variety of moonstone — instead, it got its name from its flamboyant appearance. It’s otherwise known as white labradorite. Rainbow moonstone attracts creativity, emotional tranquility and endurance. They say this stone also helps with intuition and inspiration by bringing clarity to the mind. Try using this stone in manifestation practices by holding it while setting intentions and visualize one’s highest self.
4. Blue Kyanite Stone
According to the Crystal Council, Blue Kyanite is a powerful stone that is believed to strengthen relationships with others as well as a relationship with oneself. It can help clarify what emotions and relationships are serving someone, allowing them to cut ties with those that are not. It can also bring productive introspection by shining a light on things in life that one may not have realized. Try holding this stone during meditation to welcome a new perspective and transparency in one’s life.
5. Amazonite
Amazonite is a tranquil and hopeful stone, which can help drive someone forward in their goals. It can encourage one to take action and bring the courage to do so. Some also believe this stone may help align someone with their center by reminding them of their purpose and why they’re on the journey to wholeness and prosperity in the first place. It is popularly used in meditation to help soothe the mind and promote concentration and focus. Try holding this stone while meditating, or carry it in a pocket as a reminder to work hard.
It is important to note that healing crystals are intimately personal. While this list can be used as a guide, know that there is no wrong way to use these stones, so don’t get too caught up on the specifics.
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