By Samantha Wahl
Following important cannabis news articles every day can be a real burn-out, we know. That’s why the Emerald rolls up a chronicle of the headiest news hits, and passes them to you at the end of each week. We Bring You: The Digital Dime.
Bloomberg Boos Legalization
Former New York City Major Michael Bloomberg is the latest candidate to join the 2020 Presidential race against Trump. Marijuana Moment recounts his history with legalization, and it’s not looking good, folks. Bloomberg is not, and has never been, an ally of the cannabis community. We wouldn’t even call him an ally of the civil rights community.
As mayor, Bloomberg had a record-breaking number of arrests. He worked to abolish bills proposed by legislators who supported less arrests, arguing that “Marijuana arrests can be an effective tool for suppressing the expansion of street-level drug markets and the corresponding violence.” Regarding stop-and-frisk checks, he said, “I think we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little.” Targeting black people in supposedly random inspections is racist and leads to unjust incarceration.
His frustrating views on cannabis policy may unfortunately be exactly what moderate democratic voters are looking for in the upcoming election. Former Vice President Joe Biden is the only other candidate who shares these conservative stances. Some predict such views are necessary to swing Trump voters to the blue side.
But, Is Biden Backtracking?
Former Vice President Joe Biden actively opposed cannabis in solitude beside every other 2020 Democratic candidate since the start of the race, deeming legalization “a mistake.” But in attempts to ease flack from voters he pissed off in Nevada, he publicly retracted his point that pot is a gateway drug. His change of heart accompanied a cocktail of progressive buzzwords in an announcement last week. With ideas echoing the stances made by the more liberal Democratic candidates, Biden voiced notions of decriminalization and expungement of drug-related offenses. While he has yet to back legalization, it seems he may not want to stand-out as the moderate option, as support for uber-progressive candidates like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren grow exponentially.
CBD and Your Liver
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced concern about CBD’s effect on the liver, Leafly reports. The FDA noticed certain increased enzymes in patients who take pain relieving drugs. Such enzymes could be linked to liver failure. They also found increased levels of the same enzymes in drugs with high doses of CBD. Liver health is among the list of mental and physical health risks associated with CBD. Others include how it will function in contact with other drugs, how it will contribute to overall mood, and whether it will decrease appetite. As CBD is new to the mainstream landscape, the FDA is still studying its medicinal properties. Hemp was only just descheduled as a controlled substance last year, so research was previously limited. More will need to be conducted in order to regulate it as a safe ingredient.
Is it Over for Juul?
Juul had their fun for a few years with the booming popularity of vape products. Will it last? They boast safer and more accessible nicotine use for consumers, competing with mainstream tobacco companies. However, a significant portion of their clientele are young people who are enticed by a variety of flavored cartridges like crème brûlée and mango. Now, multiple states are suing Juul for allegedly promoting advertisements that target minors. Other allegations note the dangerous amount of nicotine present in pods. California, New York, and North Carolina, and now Washington D.C. are involved in lawsuits against the company. Recent reported lung diseases, illnesses, and deaths result in an increase in research, as we attempt to figure out whether or not vapes are actually healthier than cigarettes.
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