Grow With The Pros Product Review:
Dr B’s Green Trees Growth
Spring has finally arrived and with it the promise of another fun year working in the garden. So with that in mind we at The Emerald Magazine wanted to review a product that would help all growers, experts and novices alike, to have a bit more success in the garden. With so much conflicting information about what to amend old soil with and in what ratios, the professionals at Dr. B’s Green Trees solved this problem once and for all. They take the guesswork out of dirt work with there simple yet effective Nature-Based Product line. It is a pre mixed all purpose amendment that combines the best of what the Skies, Oceans and Land provide in order to maximize the potential of your plants. After having used it for the last two years myself I can say without a doubt that it has increased the vigor with which my plants grow and is something I would recommend to all growers. The other great part of this product is how it simplifies the amending process. Instead of buying four or five different things I only have to reach for one, Green Trees.
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