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KELOWNA, BC, Oct. 9, 2018 /CNW/ – Marapharm Ventures Inc. (CSE: MDM) (OTCQX: MRPHF) (FSE: 2M0) (“Marapharm” or the “Company”) announced today that it has begun to assemble a strategic Management Advisory Board (MAB).
Our directive is to become a global industry leader in organic cannabis production. We are pursuing innovative and ground-breaking technologies to incorporate in our cultivation processes and practices. We are striving to provide the purest product with most effective medicinal benefit; the ability to maximize strain profiles while leaving the smallest environmental footprint.
We are extremely pleased to welcome the following distinguished professionals to MAB, each of whom bring their unique experience and dedication to the research, exploration and discovery of cannabis and its potential.
Dr. Paul Hornby, of Hedron Analytical Inc., is Canada’s Cannabis Expert. He has celebrated more than 30 years of experience studying herbs and supplements in human systems.
With a doctorate degree in human pathology, Dr. Hornby has conducted research projects with Inuit in the Canadian Arctic, fishermen on India’s south coast and Mangyan people in the mountains of Mindoro, Philippines. For the past eighteen years, he has focused his attention on cannabis, and for that time has attempted to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of the plant. By creating the first standardized natural product cannabis medicine in a capsule, Dr. Hornby has pioneered the way toward cannabis becoming a mainstream herbal medicine.
“I do not synthesize or highly purify any of the plant components, but study them together; their synergy (entourage), activity and mechanism of action.” Dr. Hornby has published numerous scientific and lay articles on various aspects of cannabis medicine.
Mr. Josef Tyls, M.SC., PH.D. Ind. Eng. Chief Technology Officer of Total Innovative Solutions Corporation, Founder and President of Tyls Dynamic Systems & TDS Engineering.
Mr. Tyls designs, develops and prototypes development and evaluation, testing, patent writing, and data acquisition for market deployment of new devices and technology production for environmental processes and systems.
It is his fundamental principles to develop industrial systems that center upon energy efficiency, waste control elimination, environmental safety, waste recovery and or recycling, water processing, recovery and waste water management utilizing oxidative systems and specific methods of optimization to maximize cost efficiencies.
In 1993, Mr. Tyls incorporated Ozonifier Industries Inc. with Dr. Carlos Fenton Mason D.Sc. Ozonifier sold internationally medical grade ozone generators which Dr. Tyls designed.
Dr. Tyls has developed a high voltage Tesla type hybrid, Rife frequency machine named “E-Thera-P” for use in therapeutic conditions relating to soft tissue damage and trauma. He also developed a proprietary process to hyper oxygenate and stabilize olive oil for skin wound therapy, which is marketed by Global Healing Center of Houston, Texas.
He has lectured on the subject of ozone and its creation by way of “Cold Plasma” Generation for 3 years, educating naturopathic physicians in North America including the Canadian society of Naturopaths.
Mr. Gabriel Cipes, VP of Summerhill Pyramid Winery & Bio-Dynamic Agricultural Society of British Columbia, Director of Demeter Canada and the Certified Organic Associations of British Columbia.
Mr. Cipes is Vice President of Summerhill Pyramid Winery, one of the largest certified organic wineries in Canada. In 2010, he created the bio-dynamic and permaculture department at the winery which has been a major aspect of Summerhill’s ‘Organic’ branding and story, achieving the first certified Demeter vineyard in western Canada. Mr. Cipes conducts Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SRED) developing polycultural management strategies to prove that one can not only produce diversified yields but also benefit the environment through incorporating biodiversity. He has been developing and advising departments of environmental best practices such as waste water re-capture, ground water restoration strategies, recycling, composting and maintaining the zero waste principles and ethics.
Mr. Cipes serves on several organic and biodynamic certification boards such as, Demeter Canada, the Biodynamic Associations of BC (BDASBC) and the Certified Organic Associations of BC (COABC) where he provides oversight for all Certification Bodies (CB`s) in BC and oversees certification programs, Canadian Organic Regime (COR) and the BC Certified Organic Program (BCCOP).
As reported by news release on October 2, 2018, Mr. Cipes was appointed as Head of Quality Assurance for the Canadian entity.
“We are honored to have such brilliant and talented pioneers join our team. Our shared values and collective minds can fundamentally change the way cannabis is cultivated and produced. Ultimately unlocking the mysteries, investigating the elements, unleashing the healing potential, exploring the profiles and developing the environments for this incredible plant.” Linda Sampson, CEO
The Company has granted 7,000,000 Stock Options and 58,494 Restricted Stock Units to Advisory Board, Directors, Officers, Management and employees.
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