Written by Nora Mounce
1 package active dry yeast (¼ ounce)
1 ⅔ cup lukewarm water
2 ½ teaspoons salt
5 cups unbleached all-purpose flour,
plus additional for kneading
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons rosemary-cannabis olive oil
1 tablespoon fresh rosemary leaves,
finely chopped
1 teaspoon coarse sea salt
In the bowl of your mixer, * combine water and yeast and allow to stand until a little bit foamy (at least 5 minutes). Add flour, olive oil, and salt. Beat with paddle attachment at medium speed until dough comes together. Remove paddle and replace with your dough hook attachment. Knead dough at high speed until soft, smooth, and sticky (3-4 minutes). Turn dough out onto floured countertop or cutting board. Incorporate a few more tablespoons of flour into the dough, kneading by hand, at least one more minute.
Lightly oil a large mixing bowl. Place dough in the bowl, turning once or twice to coat entirely with oil. Let dough, covered with plastic wrap, sit at room temperature until doubled in bulk (1-2 hours).
Generously oil a large rimmed baking pan and press dough evenly, pushing dough into corners. Let dough rise, cover with a slightly damp kitchen towel, until doubled in bulk (at least 1 hour).
Preheat oven to 425 F.
Stir together chopped rosemary and rosemary-cannabis olive oil.** Make shallow indentations all over dough with your fingertips (see photo). Pour rosemary-oil mixture across dough, either spreading with a pastry brush or using your fingers. It will naturally pool in indentations. Sprinkle sea salt evenly over dough and bake in middle rack of your oven until golden, 20-25 minutes.
Use a metal spatula to help focaccia from baking pan. Allow to cool, slice and serve.
*I’m assuming you have a mixer here, but actually, mine is currently on the fritz. I still made this bread, kneading it by hand. I can’t promise it was just as good. My hand-kneaded version didn’t have the same airiness. But it’s definitely possible! There’s no secret formula to kneading, and it can be satisfying and meditative.
** If you have access to test the THC potency of your DIY infused oil, keep in mind that by baking the oil, you may significantly increase its strength as tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) is converted to THC. For consistency, be sure to always decarboxylate your flower before infusing it using LEVO or any other method.
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