Artists use cannabis to fuel their creative process. Photo by wirestock.
Cannabis is claiming a new and improved narrative. Thanks to artists, comedians, and entrepreneurs, cannabis is becoming known as a mainstream method for enhancing the creative process, uncanny humor, and introspective thought.
It wasn’t always this way. But these days cannabis is respected as a common denominator in the routines of successful artists. The early efforts of the legendary George Carlin put cannabis on the comedy map. Known for using unabashed sarcasm to poke at societal norms, Carlin was a primary, yet polarizing figure in being open about cannabis use at the time.
Today, popular personalities like Chelsea Handler and Seth Rogan are normalizing cannabis as a useful tool in their artistic endeavors. Many creatives are not only consumers, but also use the plant to inspire their projects and stories. Opening the door to fresh perspectives, cannabis is an agent for discussing unique takes on societal topics and social issues that are otherwise difficult to discuss.
Once known as a gateway to avoiding responsibilities, creative cannabis allies are coming forward with experiences that beg to differ. However, research regarding the interaction between cannabis and creativity conveys contradictory findings that make this correlation even more fascinating.
The Gap in Cannabis and Creativity Studies
It’s not a secret that megastar musicians, actors, and comedians enjoy cannabis regularly. But until recently, consumption was seen as taboo and painted users to be erratic, unreliable, and addicted. Now the masses are accepting the benefits of the medicinal plant and evolving research is proving both positive and negative effects.
When it comes to studying cannabis’ effects on creativity, researchers understand that creativity is difficult to measure. It’s also worth noting that there’s a variety of biological and external factors to consider based on each individual subject. A 2014 study published by the Psychopharmacology journal explains, “The concept of creativity is not very well defined, and there is no agreement on one particular measure on how to assess it.”
The general consensus from this study finds that cannabis use impairs divergent thinking in regular users. However, a 2021 study in the Journal of Business Venturing finds that cognitive, motivational, and experiential factors are imperative to consider. For example, a cannabis user who simply uses the plant for relaxation and euphoria may lend different results than a cannabis user who strategically consumes as a part of their creative process.
The study explains, “We theorized and found that cannabis users generate new venture ideas that are more original, but less feasible, compared to non-users. […] We theorize that the cognitive effects of being a cannabis user on idea originality and feasibility are influenced by entrepreneurial passion for inventing.”
In a nutshell, those who have the drive and passion to invent and create will be more likely to successfully brainstorm and come up with original ideas after consuming cannabis. Whereas, those who regularly lack motivation to create will not just suddenly have a burst of creativity.
Ultimately, creativity is an abstract concept that lacks quantifiable analytics needed in a scientific study. It’s up to the individual to use their intuition and best judgement to decide if, how, and when cannabis can benefit their creative process.
Creatives Using Cannabis
Proven to be a useful tool for relaxation, energy, focus, hunger, and more, creatives add cannabis to their routines for various reasons. Some make it a part of their public persona, some use it to relax after a work day, while others use it to brainstorm and expand ideas.
Co-founder of the TV series and media company High Herstory, actor, singer, and writer, Jenny Joslin is a creative who uses cannabis to inspire her projects and enhance her daily routines. When her and her college best friend created High Herstory, they were inspired by themselves and the successful women around them who all utilized cannabis as a creative tool.
Joslin explains, “We’ve utilized cannabis since the very beginning of our creative partnerships. We’ve written TV shows together and we’ve written films together and cannabis has always kind of been a part of our process. It has always just also helped give us a lot of energy.”
From reexamining the stories of women in history with High Herstory to brainstorming with author Julia Cameron’s method in The Artist’s Way, Joslin’s cannabis use is multifaceted and intentional. Joslin says, “I swear if I have cannabis I’m so much more likely to do those things for my artist self and to nurture my inner artist. […] Cannabis really helps me to tap into that nurturing side of my creativity.”
As someone who is routine oriented, Joslin notes that cannabis helps break up the stagnance of mundane tasks. In The Artist’s Way, Cameron focuses on the philosophy that everyone has an inner artist. However, people lose sight of their creativity because their routines lack the output of ideas and the input of personal experiences.
Adding Cannabis to a Creative Routine
Ultimately, balance is the key to harnessing creativity and acting on those ideas. For Joslin, cannabis is a tool that grounds her and keeps her focus on the present moment. But with every cannabis-induced brainstorming session, she returns to her creative projects to restructure and edit while sober.
Joslin explains, “You have to have those checks and balances with it because you can go off too much in one direction. I think knowing yourself is so important and for me, I know that I’m a very routine-based person. Cannabis helps me to break out of that and enhance my routines to think outside the box.”
For others, it may be difficult to stick to a routine. Those who struggle to find direction or motivation may use cannabis to escape these conflicts rather than tackle them. But in Joslin’s experience, she finds that cannabis gives her an extra boost to keep going when it’s crunch time.
“For some reason cannabis makes [the creative process] fun,” Joslin says. “It makes it easier to jump over those hurdles in ways that I wouldn’t be able to.”
Whether it’s to see a fresh perspective or relax after a long day of work, cannabis is cementing its place in the routines of successful people from all fields. With trial, error, and moderation, there is certainly room for cannabis in the creative process. But ultimately, without the passion and motivation to succeed, cannabis does not promise creativity.
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