Following important cannabis news articles every day can be a real burn-out, we know. That’s why the Emerald rolls up a chronicle of the headiest news hits, and passes them to you at the end of each week. We Bring You: The Dime.
Written by Katie Bryan | Emerald Magazine
Lobbyist Seeks New Green Deal
In a new lawsuit filed by cannabis company, From the Earth, the Los Angeles suburb of Commerce is accused of engaging in a kickback scheme in exchange for assistance soliciting cannabis business licenses. The alleged scheme involved city officials working with a lobbyist extorting money from cannabis businesses in exchange for licensing. The lawsuit alleges the lobbyist threatened to blacklist From the Earth’s applications “unless he received a $50,000 payment, a 10% stake in the business and ongoing $2,500 monthly payments,” according to Marijuana Business Daily.
Researchers Looking for High Live
Researchers reveal how curing cannabis affects various terpene levels. Ebyna Technologies, a research-focused terpene company, sought out to understand why live resin products were more preferential to the cannabis consumer. Amongst other discoveries, their data concluded “…the depth of flavor and strong aroma of live resin may be directly related to the percentage of monoterpenes available at this stage in the plant cycle,” according to Ganjapreneur.
Safe Stash
The Democrats’ most recent COVID-19 stimulus package proposal includes the SAFE Banking Act (HR 1595) which creates legal pathways so that state-licensed cannabis businesses may legally engage in relationships with banks and other financial services. Passage of the proposal would mean non-corporatized cannabis businesses were able to obtain the necessary financial support to survive the pandemic, thereby lessening the likelihood of corporate monopolies.
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