Testimonials From Life: Pure CBD Preparations Help Professional Athletes and Others With Body or Brain Damage.
Cullen Jenkins is a courageous man. He grew up in Detroit as it crumbled into ruin, a shadow of its former industrial, architectural, and Motown glory.
For Cullen, football was a way to succeed. He played for several teams in his 13-year NFL career, including taking part in winning Super Bowl 45 for the Green Bay Packers. Football is also a family tradition. His dad was a coach who played in college and his brother, Kris, also plays for an NFL team.
But, as he made clear in our interview, that avenue of excellence began to be a curse Cullen felt as early as his college football years at Central Michigan University. He began to experience pain, first in his ankles and knees, and as he progressed through his professional career, in other parts of his body as well. By 2008, he needed surgery for an unhealed ankle bone bruise from college, and treatment for a torn pectoral muscle.
The “constant heavy physical contact” was taking its toll. He says he was never diagnosed with a concussion, but admits that he began experiencing “brain fog, a lack of mental focus,” more and more.
That brain fog he might have attributed to his self-medicating choices, painkillers (two Vicodin before a game), and alcohol. Cullen made clear the trap that was set for him and for other professional athletes. Complain of pain and you may be seen as unwilling to give your all to the game. Complain of brain fog and you’re subjected to the dreaded “concussion protocol,” which is one week off and your job put at risk.
He claims that all players grapple with the same reality; “you learn not to talk about it, to keep quiet. It’s a reality of life.” Even with his heroic silence, he left Green Bay labeled a “great player when he was available,” and “injury-prone.” That labeling still bothers him a lot; he called it a “cheap shot” meant to keep him pushing beyond his endurance. “Hurt or not, I always wanted to play.” He thought, “I have to show them I can and I will, no matter how my body feels.”
The cumulative effect of pain and worry about losing his chosen profession coupled with opioid and alcohol use was increasing depression and sleeplessness. Still he soldiered on until retiring from the game in 2016. But that brought no end to his suffering. The cause might be gone but the pain, lack of sleep and depression persisted, with no end in sight. Fortunately, some family members talked to him about cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive chemical in cannabis that is showing much promise in pain management and the treatment of brain damage.
At first, he was strongly resistant to the idea, but he tried it and found relief.
Cullen is clear about the benefits of CBD as he has on innumerably occasions bought them and has also propagated to buy online now. In interviews like the one on FreshFarmsCBD.com, and with this writer, he said that opioids may reduce his pain more than CBD, but create more problems than they solve. There’s the danger of addiction, but also the grogginess. Opioids zap users’ energy, mess up bodily functions, and can make sleep even more elusive. CBD brings the pain level down almost as much and there is no fogginess, no body disruption, and no sleeplessness. Plus, CBD actually helps the brain recover from years of trauma.
As this article is being written, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is about to approve the first pharmaceutical derived from CBD, as announced by the Associated Press (AP) in an article called “US Experts Back a Marijuana-Based Drug for Childhood Seizures.” Sadly, that drug is expected to cost upward of $25,000 a year and has side effects such as diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, sleeplessness, even the possibility of liver damage. None of these side effects have been noted from the use of simple CBD preparations. The only bright side seems to be that the FDA is finally accepting CBD as a medicine.
This is where Fresh Farms CBD comes into the story. Cullen has embraced the product that “saved [him] from alcoholism and bad health” and the company that produces it. He has invested in Fresh Farms CBD and is a visible spokesman for their product line. What sets Fresh Farms CBD apart from many other CBD companies is that they create a 100 percent THC-free product, not the common .03 percent residual THC that may still cause a failed drug test. Cullen’s thoughtful testimonials are meant to reach out to professional athletes still in the game. These are products you can use while you are still playing, while you are subject to random drug tests. Here is a way out of the trap.
Other eloquent testimonials at the Fresh Farms CBD site and their YouTube postings suggest CBD for post-concussion syndrome, autism, and dementia. In an interview with Vem Miller, the company’s media director, he mentioned other testimonials coming soon, one with a professional basketball player and one with a 92-year-old Canadian World War II veteran adamantly opposed to cannabis until he found relief for the first time, thanks to the urging of his grandson, for the pain of a bullet lodged in his chest.
Fresh Farms CBD, whose motto is “In Nature We Trust,” produces a full line of CBD tinctures, from mild to strong, in a grapeseed oil base. The milder formulas are suitable for pets as well, since they contain no THC. There’s also a salve you can use in tandem with a tincture for double the benefit. Newest is their intriguing crystallized CBD for smoking or vaping. All of their products meet FDA guidelines, even though that federal department shuns all currently available cannabis medicines.
As for Cullen, football is still one passion of his; he’s coaching for a local high school. But his newest delight is learning carpentry, doable now that he’s not groggy and not in excessive pain. He’s positive about the future, looking forward to enhancing his parents’ home with his newfound woodworking skills. Best of luck, Cullen.
Check out the full line and testimonials at Freshfarmscbd.com.
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