If you’ve eaten Indian food, even a dessert, there is a high chance that you have eaten ghee— a clarified butter product that has a slightly fermented, almost nutty quality. Though it’s made from cow’s milk initially, it doesn’t taste much like OG butter, and that’s what makes it so special in foods.
Ghee is often drizzled over kitchari—a rice and lentil dish packed with restorative herbs and spices, and a quite excellent spot to park some cannabinoids. It’s filling and complex, and when you taste a cloud-like bite with a sprig of cilantro, you’ll go back to the dish over and over. There’s no doubt about the culinary value of ghee, and with a higher smoking point than typical butter, you’ll also have an easier time infusing it.
Magical Butter may be known for their machines, but they have also branched out fully into convenient products for the cannabis cook of any degree of expertise, including melt-ready chocolate, oils and now Indian kitchen staple ghee.
We’d probably go with CBD so that you can swirl it in with less heat to preserve not only the finer cannabinoids, but also the flavor of the medium. Magical Butter’s Ghee is good to go in their machines or using your own methods to dose it. When you go with ghee, you’re able to extend the shelf stability of your infusion, as ghee is room-temperature stable and does not expire quickly, quite unlike regular butter.
Get thee some ghee, and start making your kitchen concoctions a bit more unique. While it may not be a western staple just yet, ghee is an extremely useful and tasty oil medium—just what cannabis cooks need to play with edibles and innovate cannabis food.
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