Cannabis C-Suite WCW, Liesl Bernard has always had a passion for discovering exceptional talent. Now, as state after state continues to legalize, the unprecedented growth of the U.S. cannabis industry has resulted in severe workforce shortages. Being a woman with a curiosity for hunting down emerging opportunities, it seemed only fitting that Liesl aims her passion towards the currently unmet talent needs of the cannabis industry.
Having spent over 20 years in the executive search and staffing firm industry even before the beginning of her own business ventures, Liesl is all too familiar with the obstacles and stereotypes that often face women in the corporate world. However, her passion and drive for the industry have made her come-up less of a battle against men and those who continue to fight against the power of the flower, and more of an opportunity to prove her respectability. “Hard work, being innovative, collaborative and keeping a sense of humor as well as balance in life is essential in rising through the ranks in any business environment,” she expressed to Emerald. “Having a vision for yourself and holding on to that focus in times of transition or challenge is key.”
Today, Liesl Bernard is the CEO of CannabizTeam, one of the fastest-growing executive search and staffing firms focused on the cannabis industry. As Emerald continues to grow as a safe haven for women in weed, we wanted to find out just what Liesl’s experience has been in the industry.
It’s no secret that women have been pushed down, beat up and kicked to the curb in the corporate world. Liesl, though, has made sure to hold herself to the highest standards in terms of self-presentation, in order to avoid such discrimination. “In my opinion, in everything in life–it is in the ‘way’ or ‘energy’ that you show up with that determines how you are perceived. Intention is everything in life!” expressed Liesl in regards to discrimination within the industry. “If you show up with the intention to get business done, you are perceived as such, and you get respect from anyone you interact with–regardless of gender,” she continued.
Now, Liesl is officially debuting CannabizTEMP, specializing in providing consulting and on-demand access to temporary workers in the cannabis industry. CannabizTEMP was created to satisfy the needs of access to state approved, short-term employees for positions in cultivation, manufacturing, dispensary retail and more.
With 30 percent of the 200,000 Californians in the cannabis industry holding temporary or seasonal positions, companies are in dire need of access to state-approved, short-term employees. That’s where CannabizTEMP comes in.
“Positions from cultivation, to manufacturing, dispensary retail and even at the C-Level [executive] require flexible staffing or consulting needs. On average, it takes a company in the cannabis industry about six weeks to find, vet and onboard a new potential employee, even for a short-term engagement,” stated Bernard. “The CannabizTEMP offering can shorten that time dramatically, saving employers massively on time and money,” she continued. Initially focused in California, where nearly 200,000 people work in the industry, CannabizTEMP has plans to expand across state borders.
As for other woman industry vets, and those hoping to get into the game, Liesl is a strong advocate for the many employment options the cannabis industry has to offer. “Some cannabis companies are consciously looking for more diversity in the C-suite and would like more women to join. There are also many entrepreneurial opportunities for women–new food and drink products, cosmetics and products for children and pets are being created everywhere,” she explained. CannabizTEMP, additionally, offers options to women who want to get into project or consulting-type work.
In an industry primarily ridden with masculinity, girl bosses like Liesl are continuing to pave the way for us ladies and making it known that, well, the future is female. So, when are you joining the movement?
For more information about CannabizTEMP, please visit: https://www.cannabiztemp.com/
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