Access to clean, environmentally-friendly and truly organic cannabis at a fair cost can be trickier than most may believe. Many people do not question where or how the cannabis was grown, even when buying from a medical dispensary. Unfortunately, a lot of cannabis grown and sold today is many times not done so in a way that is healthy for either nature or the people that consume it. Harmful pesticides and other unsafe farming techniques can oftentimes turn a product that many people take medicinally to relieve ailments into one that can leave them with even more than they started out with. But the Humboldt-Trinity Collective, a Northern California based organization, is aiming to fix that.
The Humboldt-Trinity Collective was founded less than a year ago, spearheaded by Sarah Schuette and her partners. Yet the collective is already running autonomously, with everything from farming to patient relations all being handled in-house. Sarah emphasizes that the goal of the collective is simple: “To provide clean and affordable medicine to patients.” She stresses that these patients are exactly that. Patients. And that the medicine, say a cancer patient might consume, should not contain any harmful cancer-causing agents. Many of the cannabis products that are labeled as organic are not actually organic. The Humboldt-Trinity Collective set themselves apart by exclusively providing cannabis and cannabis-based products that are completely organic.
And it’s not just the cannabis that is organic. Any ingredients they use, from chocolate to honey, are completely organic as well. They are also as locally sourced as possible from within Humboldt County. As everything produced is grown and made on-site by the Humboldt-Trinity Collective, there is a much higher level of quality control that outsourcing simply cannot match. They receive their organic fertilizer from Humboldt Ag Supply and have their plants and soil scientifically monitored for pests and pathogens by another company that Sarah helped create, Dirty Business Soil Consulting and Analysis.
Because cannabis is such a high dollar industry, a lot of the time patients are price gouged by companies and distributors. “They’re kind of middle-manning it to death right now,” Sarah claims. This is why the Humboldt-Trinity Collective goes directly from farmer to patient, with no middlemen in-between. This allows them to keep the prices of their products low and fair, while still working directly and personally with the consumers. Sarah and the collective believe that people who are sick should be able to afford their clean medication without the jacked up prices that many of them are paying now.
Currently, only medical cannabis patients with their 215 card can join the Humboldt-Trinity Collective. But the November election is quickly approaching, and with it another chance for Californians to legalize the recreational use of cannabis. If the bill were to pass, Sarah would remain committed to providing high quality, organic cannabis for all consumers. “Even if it’s recreational it should still be clean. If you don’t have cancer, it doesn’t mean you’re trying to get cancer from products that may contain carcinogens. It’s very important to me that even if it does go recreational, that we don’t reduce our standards for those people,” she states.
The easiest way to join the Humboldt-Trinity Collective is to simply e-mail Sarah directly at: sarah@humboldttrinitycollective.com. Patients can also find the contact information on their website: HumboldtTrinityCollective.com. The collective e-mails the patient back with a questionnaire and paperwork. After the patient completes that, the organization then calls the patients directly to discuss and personalize what form of medicine would be best, based on the patient’s needs. In addition to providing cannabis, Sarah also offers a holistic approach to treating many of the ailments the patients may have. She consults with them about other herbs, dietary changes and exercises that may be beneficial to them in unison with the medication.
The only dispensary that the Humboldt-Trinity Collective currently sells to is the Humboldt Patient Resource Center based in Arcata, California, though they are looking to work with others in the future. Outside of that, the collective itself does not have a dedicated dispensary or storefront per se, but in the spirit of catering to client personalization, the patient can arrange a pick-up or drop-off location (if within the local Humboldt area) or even opt to have their medicine shipped anywhere in California. Thus, the Humboldt-Trinity Collective is able to provide a valuable service to patients all across the Golden State. Clean, high-quality cannabis products at prices that patients can afford.
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