Welcome to HighLights, the show that brings cannabis, cuisine, culture and cultivation right to your screen. Covering essential facets of this budding industry, HighLights is brought to you by the creators of Edibles, Emerald, Honeysuckle, and MARY Magazine.
Welcome back to HighLights for Episode 5 as we join Edibles, Emerald, Honeysuckle and MARY Magazine as they speak to today’s riveting and intelligent guests.
Watch Lauren Gockley of Coda Signature discuss her chocolateir journey with edibles, societal benefits of cannabis, and the changing landscape of dispensaries. Watch David Bronner, CEO of the prominent brand, Dr. Bronners, as he speaks of his journey to normalize and legalize plant medicine; racial injustice in mass incarceration; and psilocybin therapy for addicts.
To fulfill your appetite, tune-in to see MARY’S weed connoisseurs show-off their cannabis-filled dinner and discuss using every bit of the plant. Also including Rob Van Dam, pro-wrestling superstar, as he discusses his documentary Headstrong and his decision to launch a new CBD product, RBD-CDB.
Watch Bob Marley’s daughter, Makada Marley, in her first interview as she examines her relationship with cannabis, her unruly arrest while growing cannabis and the legal complexities of the industry, and of course, her family’s legacy.
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