Seeds come in many forms. I was very fortunate to find many seeds of vast knowledge on this trip around the sun. When you bury seeds, you may think they are gone because you do not see them any longer. Soon though, those seeds will grow. The more of them you bury, the bigger the garden will become. This is what the government did with cannabis prohibition. So many seeds have been buried, that the gardens have now turned to forest. These forests are the activist and advocates of cannabis legalization and those supporting the end of prohibition.
Cannabis legalization is happening across the U.S. Citizens are rallying together to pass laws on ballots since the federal government is oblivious to what citizens of this nation want. Cannabis legalization is not just center stage here in America, but it is also on the front lines of our neighbors to the north, Canada. Canada is facing many issues on this front. The MMPR (Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations) is currently changing things that applied to the MMAR (Medical Marihuana Access Regulations), which was the existing regulations set forth by Health Canada. In Canada, you must have a medical marijuana user card to be in compliance with laws.
Recently, I spoke with Terry Roycroft, an advocate and overall exceptional Canadian who is helping others tremendously when it comes legally obtaining medical cannabis. Roycroft describes a moment of inspiration after seeing John Conroy, Canadian cannabis advocate, at an event. He witnessed crowds of people approaching Conroy, thanking him. He thought, ‘wow, that was cool how John Conroy was standing up for people all over Canada’. Roycroft never thought he’d be wearing those same shoes himself one day.
Roycroft is the president of MCRCI Canada (Medicinal Cannabis Resource Centre Inc.). The advisory board at MCRCI consists of the following. Dr. Arnold Shoichet, MD, Dr. Caroline Ferris, MD, Dr. Donna Dryer, MD, FRCPC, John Conroy, QC, Attorney of Law, Cara Astrid Zaskow (Tysoe) (On Leave) Ph.D., Dr. Dave Hepburn, MD, and Dr. Rob Sealey, B.Sc., MD. As you can see, this is a group of dedicated individuals. The level of professionalism combined with Roycroft’s realness is something we need more of in our society. MCRCI is helping people to obtain the necessary documentation required to legally possess cannabis in Canada.
Roycroft’s story is one in which many find inspiration in. He never intended for his role in cannabis advocacy, though he has diligently accepted it. Now he is helping to make people’s lives better on a daily basis. The dedication, conviction, and compassion that is Terry Roycroft is what you find at MCRCI. With legends such as John Conroy and many others at his side, it is easy to see how Roycroft can inspire people. MCRCI is a leader in providing MMJ patients with services in Kamloops, Montreal, Vancouver, and more. With cannabis legalization happening around the world and the marijuana culture becoming more accepted throughout society, more individuals are looking to medicate with cannabis.
Roycroft has started doing webinars followed by with Q&A sessions. He has spoken at many special events, and his name is becoming synonymous with cannabis all across Canada as well as the world. When individuals with a passion for the cannabis culture start to step forth in support of marijuana, they often don’t realize the inspiration or reach of their actions.
Finding accurate, up to date information about the herb can be very confusing to those just discovering marijuana. There is a lot of negative and untrue propaganda out there, still. With this propaganda comes sites and stories with only half truths or even completely inaccurate information about cannabis. That is why it is crucial only to obtain your information regarding cannabis from trusted sources. MCRCI and Terry Roycroft are just that. When people come to Canada for business and need to get marijuana for themselves, MCRCI is the place to contact. Founded back in November of 2010, Terry started MCRCI with the mission to bring doctors who were informed about medicinal marijuana to patients who needed them the most.
Since MCRCI began, they have been helping many different individuals all the way from foreign film crews to medical marijuana patients across Canada. They help by ensuring that these individuals can connect with safe and quality medical marijuana. This is an important service as it is more than just access to a medical card, it offers patients information such as what dosage is correct for them (particularly when it comes to edibles and oils). The dosage of these products is important. As all body weights are different, they require different dosages to achieve the desired results.
Additionally, Roycroft mentions that cannabis is entirely unique: it’s role serves both medicinal and recreational purposes for many. I do agree with his further point that alcohol was very similar to cannabis in regards to prohibition. Obviously, utilizing alcohol as a medicine could potentially be very dangerous, yet alcohol prohibition ended decades ago. Marijuana prohibition will come to an end – it is only a matter of time. By educating people to the truths about cannabis while allowing them safe access to obtain marijuana, Roycroft and the MCRI , is providing a service that isn’t just welcomed, iit is needed. Terry Roycroft is an example of a seed that has budded into an incredible strain. By cultivating strong roots in the culture and community and flowering the world with compassion and knowledge, he is proof that a single seed can tip the scale. Keep planting seeds.
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