The Multi-Billion Dollar Personal Health And Beauty Industry Meets Cannabis
Cannabis infused health and beauty products are growing in demand with positive cannabis reform laws taking place across the U.S., Canada and around the world. In fact, the global demand for organic personal care products is predicted to grow into a $13 billion dollar industry by 2018, per a report from Transparency Market Research. In 2012, the organic beauty and personal care products market was already at the $7.6 billion a year mark. Since then, this market has seen continual growth.
A massive sector of growth for the organic beauty market has been the addition of cannabis based beauty and personal care products. Cannabis infused health and beauty products have cultivated success by providing proven results that work. Canna-beauty products are naturally a healthier choice compared to lab created products. More people today are becoming conscious consumers than ever before in the past. These people want to know just what they‘re putting on and into their bodies.
What’s In Your Health And Beauty Products?
Some of the most common items found in your personal health and beauty care supply might contain some things that’ll surprise you. The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) claims heavy metals like chromium and mercury, along with other toxins, can be found in health and beauty products most consumers purchase today. Through education and conscious consumer choices, we can change this harmful and destructive pattern. Just look at some of the toxins found in common products that we use every day:
- Parabens — Parabens are commonly used as preservatives in cosmetic products which prevent the growth of bacteria, yeast and mold. Unfortunately, they also mimic the properties of estrogen, facilitating a higher risk of breast cancer. Entering the body by way of absorption through the skin, parabens are oftentimes found in many common facial cleansers, deodorants, shampoos, body washes and makeup products on the market.
- Fragrance — This is a term created to protect companies that refer to a secret formula. These companies aren’t required to go into details about the consistency of their secret formula / fragrance. For you the consumer, this means potentially exposing yourself to a multitude of hazardous chemicals. Scientific studies conducted by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) finds that fragrance concoctions have been linked to respiratory distress, allergies, effects on the reproductive system, and dermatitis. Just like parabens, fragrances can be found in virtually all bodycare products.
- Formaldehyde — Formaldehyde is utilized in everything from embalming to manufacturing. It’s commonly found in virtually all health and beauty products on the market today as it used to inhibit bacterial growth. The International Agency for Research on Carcinogens has studies linking formaldehyde to occupational related cancers as well as destruction to the immune system and allergic skin reactions. Yet this product, like parabens and fragrance, can be found in most cleansers, shampoos, body washes, conditioners, nail polish/treatments as well as in eyeshadows.
Cannabis To The Rescue Of Health and Beauty Products
Plant-based beauty products, particularly those containing cannabis, are becoming common. Cannabis infused health and beauty products work naturally with your body’s endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system contains CB1 and CB2 receptors throughout the body located in the skin and in your organs. These receptors respond to the cannabinoids found in cannabis such as THC, CBG, CBN, and CBD.
This means that cannabis health and beauty products from soaps, lotions, creams, balms, salves, ointments, perfume, cologne, and more may be the products you’re looking for when it comes to quality organic health and beauty care.
An article in Forbes Magazine from March of 2012 cited substances such as skin creams containing mercury, lipsticks containing lead, mascara with bacteria, hair straighteners containing formaldehyde and mineral makeup as five of the most dangerous beauty products on the market today. Whoopi and Maya offer a cannabis tincture called Relax that contains ingredients like organic cane alcohol, sun grown cannabis, motherwort, organic raw unfiltered honey, cramp bark, red raspberry leaf, and solvent-free cannabis extract just to name a few. Organic cannabis infused health and beauty products also contain cannabis compounds like CBD, THC, CBCA, CBG, and other cannabinoids.
- CBD is said to be a neuroprotective, an antibacterial, an anti-convulsant, and pain reliever. The compound is also shown to inhibit cancer cell growth, promote bone growth, reduce small intestine contractions, reduce the risk of artery blockage, and more.
- CBG is said to slow bacterial growth, promote bone growth, inhibit cancer cell growth, as well as being a sleep aid.
- CBCA is said to treat fungal infection while helping to reduce inflammation.
- THC helps to relieve pain, suppress muscle spasms, reduce vomiting and nausea, and stimulate the appetite.
Replacing Toxins and Heavy Metals With Natural Cannabinoids
Looking good and staying healthy isn’t just about trusting consumer labeling anymore. We’ve learned the truth thanks to the information era and are looking to the cannabis infused health and beauty industry for answers. From those in their early 20s all the way to their late 90s, cannabis infused health and beauty products offer benefits to their lives. Organic cannabis infused lipsticks, eyeshadows, perfumes and colognes are out there to help you get your shine on. Ointments, salves, and topicals may be just the thing you’ve needed to help with pain, tingling, and numbness of your extremities. There’s a ton of great cannabis infused health and beauty products on the market today for both men and women.
If you’re interested in learning more about these products and how they may benefit you, check out these incredible items below and see for yourself how a little THC and CBD in your daily health and beauty regimen may be just the thing you need.
Whoopi and Maya — Whoopi and Maya have an incredible line of cannabis infused health and beauty products offered at whoopiandmaya.com. Their products range from a bath soak, tincture and body balm to a raw cacao edible.
Mary’s Medicinals — One hundred percent plant-based, GMO free, gluten free, vegan friendly with no additives or organic volatile impurities is what you’ll find with Mary’s Medicinals. Based out of Colorado since 2013, Mary’s Medicinals is a leader in transdermal technology. Their products range from transdermal patches and pens to topical compounds, CBD tinctures, and more. To learn more check them out at marysmedicinals.com.
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