The Dookie Bros — 2016 Emerald Cup and Golden Tarp Award Winners
The Dookie Bros had two huge victories in 2016: They took both first place at the annual Golden Tarp Award light deprivation competition and first at The Emerald Cup organic outdoor cannabis competition with their light dep Zkittlez flowers.
According to Jason “Dookie” from the Dookie Bros, the group consists of five collaborators — all friends, all organic growers and all people that believe in creating clean medicine and not destroying the planet while they’re doing it. They aren’t brothers, per se, they are a band of like-minded cannabis farmers that flat out won both of the competitions they entered this year, both of the only competitions they’ve ever entered.
The Dookie Bros are based in Humboldt County and are affiliated with the up-and-coming Humboldt Brand Cannabis Company, “Purveyors of the Emerald Triangle’s Finest Cannabis Products,” according to the organization’s website. The Dookie Bros are also in the consultation biz, specializing in maximizing yields, award winning strains, licensing and innovative chemical-free problem solving, like using heat to eradicate pests and mold.
“The Dookie Brothers agree on one thing,” Jason says. “It doesn’t really matter about the money. We all really have love for this plant and love for the medicine and love for what it’s giving us… We really truly love this plant and love giving clean medicine to people.”
So the Golden Tarp Awards was the first competition the Dookie Bros have ever entered. When I asked Jason why they decided to come out of the shadows this past September, he credited Kevin Jodrey from Wonderland Nursery as being a big inspiration. “He’s a really good guy… Just because he was doing the competition, I wanted to be a part of it.”
Jason is into Jodrey’s “Clean Rush” philosophy, wherein growers have to walk-the-talk, as it were. You see, all of the Golden Tarp entries are lab tested, and anything contaminated (with mold, pesticides, etc…) is disqualified.
Well, the Dookie Bro’s Zkittlez passed the Golden Tarp test and took first place, then took first at the Emerald Cup with the same flowers, “four month old dep weed,” as Jason put it. And that’s even with the Zkittles plants being “very finicky.” The Dookie Bros “got lucky.”
Zkittlez is known in the Emerald Triangle as a hard-to-get strain, purportedly developed by 3rd Gen Family and Terp Hogz out of Mendocino County, California. Clones are coveted and are not freely distributed — at least that’s what I’ve heard. But the clones are out there. If anyone is trying to keep the strain exclusive, it’s too late: The Dookie Bros just won big with Zkittlez flowers grown from clones they were able to procure from a local industry person.
The heritage and the exclusivity of the Zkittles strain certainly adds an intriguing element to the Dookie Bro’s win. Regardless of who developed the genetics, the Dookie Bros grew it right: Their Zkittlez is officially the 2016 superstar organic, clean, high quality medicinal product. Look to the Dookie Bros for consultations and farm walks through the Humboldt Brand Cannabis Company in 2017. They’ll also be entering more competitions to bolster their name, and they’ll be cultivating Gelato and other different and cool stuff too. Go big, guys!
Some last Dookie words: “We smoke our weed, so why would we want to poison ourselves and people we care about?” Amen to that.
You can find the Dookie Bros on Facebook, on Instagram: @dookietribe and online: DookieBros.com.
From the Golden Tarp Awards website (TheGoldenTarp.com):
“The top prize of The Golden Tarp Award, went to producers Dookie Brothers out of Humboldt County for their Zkittlez strain. Their Zkittlez entry’s taste and smell from a dry hit was incredible. The sweet, candy-like flavoring and the uplifting, relaxed effects made this strain the judges top selection. Using a combination [of] organic products and a secret blend of HumTea (compost tea), they grew this winner organically in soil, heat eradicated, no chemical use whatsoever and lots of love. They also provide consulting services for those interested.”
Here is an excerpt from one of the Emerald Cup Judges, posted on the Swami Select website (SwamiSelect.com):
“At last, with video cameras all around us, the winners were discovered. Then, as always, came the big moment when Tim Blake went and found the entry forms so we could hear the lucky names and counties, as it is a 100% blind tasting. The winner was a Zkittlez strain from Humboldt. The growers were the Dookie Brothers. These were new names to me, but I was quickly informed that they are the guys who just won the Golden Tarp Award this past October for the same strain. That’s when we felt really justified by our choice. Out of all entries, this one shone – and it wasn’t her first time. She truly was the Belle of the Ball.”
Jason – I give you a lot of respect when I saw your quote about…”It’s time to grow up” during my watching multiple times of the film on Netflix. I have a very good friend for the last 33 years…we are 52 yrs. old. College stuff going back those 30+ years. My friend Mike is an experienced grower and it has led to a stagnation in his life. He was involved in a solo grow in Siskiyou County – where he was the one and only man. I was amazed at what he built up this summer – building greenhouses and growing a crop that blew me away – and it all came to nada…it was sad when he got cut down about 2 weeks ago by the authorities and it was very harsh reality. It wasn’t sad that he lost his crop- it was sad at how much time – effort & money that he put in. I knew the fact that it was totally illegal in that county – he knew it too – but what a waste the last 2 years for him. I told him he needs to get to Humboldt and work for a legitimate business because that is the way to go. What would it take for you to listen to what he might be able to bring to your business? Just asking for a friend that has a passion for the grow and is a man that I would spend a week with – with my children (and I have). I always thought he should get to No. Cal to do his passion – I just never thought it would be Siskiyou – and then the thing that kills me is he is going back next year – starting a little bit earlier and blacking the plants out to get out by 09/01. Doesn’t make sense. He would be a tremendous assets to the Bros. and it wouldn’t hurt to talk to Mike Czaja if you had some time. Appreciate all you do…Jim White, Goshen, CT.
Jason. Hi my name is Kenley and my lady has a crippling arthritic foot condition and I’m looking for seeds because we are poor. Can you help us with seeds at a lower price please. I hate to ask but we are in Desperate need to grow a little Medicine to offset our situation.
“Luv yer gals””hello there genetic genius .my names Chris from Scotland I was hoping really really hoping you could help me to introduce your meds to my patients
I oils be grateful for a comment from you guys as a quiet reclusive grower.
I understand it’s a big ask but if shareable with myself and terms agreed with yourselves then Scotland would be thankful and lucky to have a beautiful plant
With regards
Hello there dookie brothers!!!! I personally wanted to comment and ask if there are any opening positions in your guy’s brand/company? I want to get started working in the cannabis industry because I love cannabis, I’m an active medicinal marijuana user and would love to dip my foot in the water and educate myself further through hard work in the Cannabis Industry.
Right on guys….good stuff…..would love to find the Zkittles around down here in San Diego, north county….can’t find it at these dispensaries…I’ve only been out in calif. for 5 years but would love to know if anyone knows 1) “Dancin’ Dianne grime some Garberville radio station. And 2) budview Farms out of Redway, CA,?? Trying to look up an old friend, B. Sheldon. ….use to grow some stuff: blueberry or the Orange…to this day it’s still the tastiest, most magical stuff I’ve had the privilege to smoke. Peace ????????
Holy crap…yeah… I just looked and read more of your guys award winning competitions and it looks like it took place in Redway California that’s a trip… That’s exactly where Bob Sheldon had his farm… It’s called Broadview Farms don’t know if it still exists… His youngest brother was my roommate that died in avalanche way back and I met him when he flew in to Durango Colorado Redway and had a couple Selah meals of his homegrown stuff and that was back in 1991 he was older than me then older than me and TIM but a lot he flew out for TIM‘s death … I Donely ever heard of him through my best friend Tim his brother who used to get all of his Grateful Dead tapes. He’s one of those boys from Reddaway or Trinity or Mendocino I think or around there too?? Man his stuff was the best… I’ll never forget the blueberry… And the orange… There was this summer when TIM went up from Pennsylvania all the way up to Redway to help them on his farms he only told me certain things but he said that back then they were Jamaicans that used to come up into the crops and try to read their crops with automatic rifles
Holy crap…yeah… I just looked and read more of your guys award winning competitions and it looks like it took place in Redway California that’s a trip… That’s exactly where Bob Sheldon had his farm… It’s called Budview Farms …don’t know if it still exists… His youngest brother was my roommate that died in avalanche way back and I met him when he flew in to Durango Colorado from Redway, unfortunately, to meet and gather some of his personal items, and had a couple seal-a- meals of his homegrown stuff. that was back in 1991 he was older than me then older than me and TIM but a lot he flew out for TIM‘s death … I Donely ever heard of him through my best friend Tim his brother who used to get all of his Grateful Dead tapes. He’s one of those boys from Reddaway or Trinity or Mendocino I think or around there too?? Betty Cantor was a friend? The Lesh’s…. Man his stuff was the best… I’ll never forget the blueberry… And the orange… There was this summer when TIM went up from Pennsylvania all the way up to Redway to help his brother on his farms ….he only told me certain things but he said that back then they were Jamaicans that used to come up into the crops and try to raid their crops with automatic rifles….
Would like to visit your business sometime to sample your best.I love the fact that you take such pains to grow organic.Im 67 and have smoked since I was 17.I respect you taking the time to do it right
This guy actually sucks big time. He doesnt like to pay a fair wage and at the end of the year your lucky to get even a dime out of him. He talks like he really knows how to grow and he really doesnt. He says it’s not about the money but he still thinks it’s okay to to rip his employees off on money that they worked for. He should have plenty of cash. But instead he has to trick people into finance his grow every year cuz he cant afford it and when its said and done he keeps it all and doesnt ever pay the people back. He owes money to a few grow stores. So much that he isnt even aloud on their premises. This guy is a cheap sweet talking con artist.
@brad weist i have dookies cut of zkittlez here in san diego send me your email or some social media name to contact you peace
Hi guys would you post any of your tea and coffee products to Western Australia. Because I would be keen to buy some, Regards muzza ( west oz)
Loved how this guy brags how he has the best seeds and everyone comes to him to buy? Well I came here hoping to buy? LMFAO How much were you paid by Netflix for all the fake shit you said! How do I buy your amazing seeds that haven’t won an award in 4 years!
He is a real POS. All the ripping off takes resources away from families besides his so he doesn’t care. Jason is a hypocritical dirt bag who’s extremely flat bill on his hat has gone to his head. There’s something called Karma Mr Dookie and the farmers who treat their workers right are passing you up. His stupid looking head is bigger than his ego if that’s even possible. He acts like all the work is solely done by him. One day after all this is gone, he’ll be sipping Thunderbird Wine, pissing himself, screaming at passerby’s while his wife calls someone else Daddy..
Disculpenme, soy nuevo en este chat.
Creo entender que se puede comentar o incluso preguntar algún tema relacionado con la planta que a mí me ayuda tanto psiquiatricamente como psicológicamente incluso como físicamente.
Me pregunta o preocupación, es que llevo 22 años plantando,(con algún intervalo de descanso….);pero,22 años….. tanto de exterior como interior.
pues me sucede una cosa que solo había oído hablar de ella en una ocasión y precisamente en esta última plantación de interior me paso:compré unos esquejes para ahorrar tiempo en un sitio o a una persona que le llevaba comprando durante cinco o seis o siete plantaciones de interior esquejes y no había tenido ningún problema había salido una marihuana bastante notable y sin queja ninguna me sentaba bien a la cabeza me habría la mente resumiendo era terapéutica para mí.
Lo que me sucedió…. Llevaba 6 o 7 plantaciones de interior (para ahorrar tiempo y espacio,y esfuerzo…..compraba la cantidad de esquejes que necesito. Nunca hubo ningún problema ni queja. Pero sucedió que llevaba año y medio sin plantar y hace 5 meses fui a la misma fuente y compré dos variedades de esquejes ya que la que llevaba siempre no le quedaban de esa variedad…… Total que planteo como siempre Elche los abonos como siempre orgánicos recolecte bien es un momento clave la marihuana de las dos especies tienen una buena presencia tienen los típicos chupa-chups de resina resumiendo que la presencia y el olor es bueno no hace sospechar de que pueda salir una marihuana que sus efectos beneficiosos,no se notan apenas,es una marihuana mediocre…..no solo es mi opinión…..amigos sinceros me dijeron exactamente lo mismo…..
Mi pregunta es:como puede,y porque me pasó esto???.
No encuentro ninguna razón aplique mi experiencia de años y de información de libros que tengo bastantes del tema,y en ningún sitio nadie aún ningún libro me dio la solución o mejor dicho el problema por lo que salió una marihuana muy mediocre….. Según la ves piensas que es algo estupendo, pero una vez que la fumas ves que quedas igual prácticamente que si no hubieras fumado nada, realmente algo se nota pero como si fumas un cigarro de hachís regular.
No me da los beneficios por los que consumo cannabis.
¿¿¿ Alguien podría darme alguna razón de porque paso esto o si a él le pasó lo mismo???.
Lo agradecería ya que en 22 años de plantación, no me había sucedido nunca…..
Tuve variedades mejores que otras o con unos efectos diferentes a otras pero siempre te daban algún beneficio cada uno tiene su especie o tipo preferido pero lo que me creció a mí simplemente es cáñamo que apenas se notan sus efectos de THC y los efectos qué notas es similar a un hachís de mala calidad yo lo hice todo como llevo haciéndolo 22 años nunca me había pasado y agradecería mucho si alguien me da una razón racional de por qué me pasó esto.
Pues para acabar buenos humos para todos y a ver si algún alma caritativa me puede dar una razón que me ayude a aprender cada vez más. Gracias y saludos a todos.
Hello Dookie brothers, I’ve been smoking for many years. I’m 60 yrs old and I would like to know if you would be having any tours of your grow would love to take that tour & taste. & buy.
Good luck peace be with you
You need trimmers
I watched these idiots on Murder mountain! You guys are pieces of crap for not paying the 2 guys on there! You made yourselves look like horrible business men! That’s totally against the law and completely unethical! How would you feel if you did hours and hours of work and somebody decided they just weren’t gonna at you because of a minor mistake that was made! Grow the hell ip and Lear how to run a business!
Hi I was interested in buying some of your products,how can I do this?
Love love love your strain!
I loved the shirt & want to buy 1. It said Dookie brothers. So cool-
Hi,Jason have many probles to sleep an relax my mind,what medicina cb oíl coukd you recoment