Mexican food is far deeper than just tacos, but the taco itself is no shallow thing. Typically, corn tortillas are warmed and filled with an array of toppings, meats, and accoutrement to craft the basic taco we know, but the true fan should seek out the new Netflix show, Taco Chronicles.
Covering first the spit-roasted al pastor taco, this show’s journey starts here, where pork and adobo are piled high to make a meat tower that feeds perhaps millions every day if you count its fans the world over. Usually, a pineapple rests atop the meat pile, and iconic cilantro and onion is the simple adornment sprinkled on by taquieros who man the grills.
At The Emerald, we love tacos no matter what time of day, but the late night stoned fix you get from wolfing roadside al pastor on either side of the border is our favorite taco experience.
After a long sesh with something fruity, the munchies mean you need to visit the taqueria stat, especially if you’ve been watching Netflix’s Taco Chronicles, which share with you not only the story of the taco, its fillings, and its history, but also the intense shared culture behind every component.
With food writer and chefs from all over Mexico, the al pastor gets its moment in the sun as you travel with the team to sample its finest offerings all over the nation, and get some serious education in the process about both Mexican food and the culture that bore it.
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