It’s time to sit back, relax, take some CBD oil… and relax some more.
This week I tried out CBD products from Diamonds Democracy, a hemp company with a focus on the healing properties of CBD.
CBD is non-psychoactive and comes in many forms, but the two products I tried included CBD oil, and a CBD lip balm. The CBD oil came in a 2 ounce bottle with 1,000 milligrams of CBD in it. The recommended serving size is .5 milliliters and there are 120 servings in the bottle itself. The 100% organic, vegan oil is extracted from pure hemp grown in Denmark.
The label indicates that the product can be used to enhance clarity and mental performance, support positive moods and calmness, and help sustain joint health and flexibility.
Diamonds Democracy’s CBD oil
1,000 mg of CBD
After letting the oil sit under my tongue for 30 seconds as the bottle directed, the first thing I noticed was the taste. There are no added flavors, making it taste a bit harsh and oily. While the flavor did leave my mouth after drinking some water, it came back with a burp, which was mildly unpleasant.
I tried this product every day for a week. Most of the days I also noticed my stomach began bubbling about an hour after ingesting the oil, though that was about it. As for the CBD’s actual effects, I personally did feel some. I felt like I could focus more on my classes after ingestion, and I generally felt more calm and content. It should be noted that I gave some to my roommate the first day I tried it, and she said she did not feel any effects.
Lip Balm
500 mg of CBD
I liked the CBD lip balm a bit better than the oil. It’s made of 500 mgs of CBD and was put in a small jar. It is labeled as fragrance free, but has a much better odor than the oil, smelling and tasting more like lavender. It reminded me a bit of vix vapor rub in the best way possible.
The balm is extremely smooth. It made my lips feel soft and silky. It is one of the better feeling and tasting lip balms that I have tried, and for that alone I plan to continue to use it. Unfortunately sometimes it did leave my lips feeling dry after wearing it for awhile, so if you purchase this product keep it on-hand to re-apply.
Despite the unpleasant flavor of the CBD oil, I do think I will continue to use both of these products. I liked the effect the oil had on my mood and my performance on my school work, and I loved the scent of the lip balm.
That being said, I was unable to find pricing or a website for Diamonds Democracy products, and though these products were fine, personally I believe there are better CBD products on the market right now that may have better effects.
3.0 out of 5 Emeralds
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