While the jury’s still out on how potent edible CBD can be versus sublingual dosing and other methods, CBD-infused drinks are one of the easiest ways to buy and try cannabidiol. Companies are infusing all manner of CBD goodies right on down to water, coffee, cocktails, as well as prepared drinks like smoothies and lattes.
Like many good habits, these drinks can cost the big bucks—so DIY is a great way to get the benefits without as much add-on pricing, plus using your own mug is way better for the earth.
Coffee is one of the Emerald Magazine’s favorite ways to get CBD, and dosing via sweetener makes it a fairly effortless process, as opposed to adding oil based tinctures and worrying about emulsification.
Try these two sweet CBD options for the same effects that we are big fans of: calmer mornings, fewer jitters no matter what number cup you’re on, and maybe a little headache or hangover mercy if need be.
HempMe Creamed Honey, Cinnamon Flavor
Sure you’d maybe rather smear this creamed honey on toast, but cinnamon is an excellent kick in the morning beverage butt. When paired with coffee and honey, the slight spice melts in like a pastry rather than having a shocking cinnamon element. Plus, cinnamon has been used to help cannabis work better for thousands of years, so drizzle up.
Our buddy Ron Silver created Azuca to make cooking with CBD a snap. In sugar and syrup format, you can still have your coffee your way. Even a small sugar packet slaps with 25 mg, so calm can come quickly.
Enjoy brighter, sweeter, and hopefully clearer mornings by adding CBD into your coffee, now with technology, you don’t have to break out the blender to stop the slick that many CBD drinks have floating on top.
Now you don’t have to sacrifice taste or texture when you use CBD products at home, and they make infusing beverages much more accessible, as they’re available to residents of all 50 states.
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