Extra Green Chimichurri Baked Salmon
Showcasing one of Humboldt County’s historic regional staples, this salmon dish is a stylish way to integrate the herbaceous flavors of cannabis. Chimichurri, which roughly translates to “a mixture of several things in no particular
order,” is a modern staple in Argentina and Uruguay. House recipes vary throughout villages, countries and Latin-American inspired restaurants with varying degrees of saltiness and heat. Take creative liberties with your own recipe! Chimichurri is most commonly served on grilled meat, but here, a classic chimichurri complements the green flavor of canna-olive oil and Pacific salmon. Modestly spoon your chimichurri onto wild-caught salmon and enjoy every delicious and medicinal
element to this healthy and relaxing weeknight dinner.
½ cup chopped flat leaf parsley
½ cup chopped cilantro
2 tablespoons cannabis olive oil*
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
¼ cup white wine vinegar
½ teaspoon dried red pepper flakes
½ teaspoon sea salt
Fresh ground black pepper
2 (6-8 ounce) wild caught salmon fillets
Preheat the oven to 350°F.
Prepare chimichurri. In a bowl, stir together the chopped parsley, cilantro,
olive oil, vinegar, pepper flakes and pepper. Place the salmon in a lightly oiled oven-safe dish or baking sheet.
Spoon about a quarter of the chimichurri over the salmon fillets.
Bake until just cooked through, about 20 minutes (depending on thickness of fillet and personal preference).
For a safe medium, lightly pierce a fillet with a boning knife and carefully pull back flesh to reveal interior. When done, the pink color should just be losing its translucent quality. If desired, divide the remaining chimichurri over the salmon or reserve in a Mason jar for an easy tapenade.
Serve salmon and bon appetit!
* If you don’t have a homemade batch of canna-olive oil in the cupboard, look for Om Edibles Medicinal Olive Oil at your local dispensary. In addition to the convenience, you can depend on a lab tested 15mg dose of THC per teaspoon.
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