At $200, I was hoping the Pax 3 would deliver the best vaping experience I’ve ever had. After hearing about how much healthier and more convenient portable vapes can be, I took the plunge and invested.
The Pax 3 vaporizes bud through conduction heating, meaning that the oven heats up and directly touches the cannabis which produces vapor. The oven itself can hold .3 grams of herb and heats up to 420 degrees F.
The four heat settings on the Pax 3 can be fully customized with the Pax app. Although no longer available for iPhones, Android users can use the app to set direct temperature settings for each of the four preset settings. For those who don’t have an android, you are still able to customize the settings on Google Chrome.
There is also a half-pack oven lid available for those who tend to vape less bud in one session as well as a raised mouthpiece.

What I Like:
The Pax 3 definitely has a lot to offer in terms of style and functionality. If style is a selling point for you, there are currently six different colors to choose from. It is also extremely small, discrete, and convenient. This is the perfect on-the-go vaporizer because of its quick heat up time.
Arguably the best thing about vaporizing your cannabis is that you are able to get the most out of your bud. After vaporized, you can eat the bud directly or cook it into a dish as an edible. Having multiple uses for my bud also helped me cut down on overall spending.
For someone who has issues of feeling uncomfortable from smoking cannabis, the vaporized bud offers a different type of experience and greater bioavailability. I found that vaporizing left me with a sense of calmness and control that I don’t always get from smoking. It also gives ease of mind knowing that I have a healthier option than smoking.
I also enjoy the option to use concentrates with the Pax 3 if I choose to. This is the only generation of Pax that has the option for a concentrate insert.
What I Don’t Like:
Although advertised as having eight to 10 sessions per charge, I only usually get about five sessions. This definitely depends on how long each session is and how frequently you turn the device on and off. It also takes about an hour to reach a full charge from a nearly empty battery. Unlike other vapes, the Pax 3 doesn’t have a removable battery, which is super helpful when you’re unable to charge on the go.
If not having a removable battery is a deal breaker for you, the Davinci IQ offers the same features at the same price point with a removable battery.
Generally, you’ll spend an excessive amount of time cleaning the device since It’s recommended to clean after each use. An option to avoid cleaning as often is investing in Bud Kups. This is super convenient when you’re on the go because you can pre-pack each cup with bud and insert into the bottom of the Pax, switching out a fresh cup whenever needed.

Another downfall is that even when you pack the oven tightly, you still need to stop in the middle of a session to stir the bud to ensure even heating. This can be especially annoying when using it during hikes or walks, but the Bud Kups can also help even out this problem.
The smell of vaporized cannabis from the Pax 3 isn’t particularly subtle. If this is an issue for you, investing in a concentrate vaporizer is a less smelly option.
Is it worth it?
There are a lot of dry herb vaporizers on the market, but the Pax 3 is worth it depending on what you want out of your vape. If you’re looking for a solid dry herb vape that is dual function and aesthetically pleasing, this would be a good option for you. The taste is decent and the ability to customize heat settings is a nice option for getting the best vaporized flavor. If you plan on using this mostly for concentrates, it’s not worth the price point.
Here is a full guide for what to consider when buying a vape.
The second generation is fairly similar to the third and knocks the price down. If your heart is set on a Pax but you want a more affordable option, the second generation offers less customization and takes longer to heat up, but has similar pre-set features.
Rating: ⅘ Emeralds
Hey Lauren thanks for the cool review. I’ve been enjoying my PAX3 for some months now 🙂
I didn’t realise it was possible to use the left over vaped bud as an edible! I suppose it is a decarboxylating process? Thanks for insight.
I’m so excited to try out the Pax 3! I love the idea of being able to control my dosage and I can’t wait to see how this device affects my overall health.