CBD oil: the cash cow of CBD products. Everyone seems to rave about them and it feels like there are a million different kinds on the market. But how do consumers choose one? I tested three different tinctures to find out what works, what doesn’t — and what users should straight up avoid at all costs.
Why use CBD oil?
By now, many probably know about the magic of CBD. It can help one relax, alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, reduce pain, aid in sleep… it’s basically a ticket to chill. There are so many different ways to ingest it, from edibles to vapes, to capsules; consumers can find CBD in the form of almost anything at this point.
So why use an oil? Well, that depends on one’s own personal preference. Oils are pretty fool-proof: just swallow it. It is typically advised that consumers put a drop or two under their tongue and hold it there for a minute or so and then swallow. But one can also add it to food or drinks. For a no-fuss method of using CBD, oils are the way to go.
1)The Healing Rose Broad Spectrum CBD Oil

1,200 mg CBD
The first oil I tested was The Healing Rose Broad Spectrum CBD Oil. I opted to try this one out before I went for a long run, to see if it would help with my mid-run aches and pains. Right off the bat: it tasted rather unpleasant, but that’s pretty standard for CBD oils in my opinion. I enjoyed the ritual of using it before a run. I felt like it helped me get into a mindful state which was great because I like to use running as a sort of meditation anyway. But as far as the aches and pains went, I didn’t notice any difference.
Rating: 2/5 emeralds
2)Elevated Wellness Broad Spectrum Tincture

1,000 mg CBD
This one is supposed to be used for sleep, so I tested it over a period of a few days before bedtime.
I tried the granddaddy purple indica flavor. I actually enjoyed the smell of it, but like the other oils, it tasted pretty bad. I’m just not a fan of the plant/oil taste combo. But, I won’t dock them for that since every CBD oil seems to disagree with my taste buds.
I felt like a good guinea pig for this one because I do experience some trouble falling asleep. Unfortunately, I didn’t see any difference in my ability to get to sleep. I did, however, feel like my mind was a bit clearer as I was trying to fall asleep — as opposed to my usual tornado of thoughts that stir up in my mind conveniently as I’m trying to sleep.
Rating: 3/5 emeralds
3) Calm by Wellness Hemp CBD Sleep Oil Tincture

1,000 mg CBD
This is another sleep tincture, which I was excited to try out after not having much success with the previous.
I had the blueberry lavender flavor. Again, the taste was not the best. I didn’t see any difference in my ability to get to sleep with this one, either. But I did find that I felt more rested the next morning when I woke up. That’s a major win for me because I’m that person who wakes up like a true zombie before my morning cuppa joe.
The Consensus?
Honestly, I still have to say that I don’t know exactly where I stand on CBD oils. They generally help calm my mind, but I feel like that is the result of a placebo effect more than anything else. I have yet to notice a physical effect of CBD oils, whether that be pain relief or just overall relaxation.
I do, however, really enjoy the ritual of taking CBD oil. It helps me center myself during the day (or night) and it serves as a good reminder to prioritize my mental and physical health. But because there is such a wide variety of potential benefits of CBD oil and a million different ways to use it, my experience most likely won’t be the same as anothers. So, for those who’re curious, I recommend giving CBD oils a try. It can’t hurt.
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