Après Delight CBD-Infused Intimacy Oil. Photo credit: Après Delight.
Let’s face it — vulvas and their owners deserve more tender lovin’ care than they receive. Statistics have repeatedly shown that female pleasure takes a back seat in the bedroom.
For instance, the Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology journal reported that “men experience orgasms in intercourse considerably more frequently than women.” Specifically, “more than 90% of men usually experience orgasm in their intercourse; among women, this proportion is only around 50%.”
Contrary to the anticipated enjoyment, female pain during sex is also very common. ”Nearly three out of four women have pain during intercourse at some time during their lives,” according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).
This discomfort can be symptomatic of a greater gynecologic problem, like an “ovarian cyst or endometriosis,” the ACOG reports. However, it can also result from a “lack of desire […] or a lack of arousal (the physical and emotional changes […] in the body as a result of sexual stimulation),” the college adds.
Thankfully, as discussions about sex and pleasure become less taboo, the question of how to make intercourse enjoyable for all parties involved is increasingly relevant. Here is where lube makes its grand entrance — specifically, Après Delight’s CBD Lube.
Why Use Lube?

Regardless of the brand, lube has a variety of benefits. For one, it can treat vaginal dryness, lessening friction and decreasing the chance of potential injury. However, lube can also be directly applied to the vulva or anus, or to a sex toy, making it extremely versatile in its potential uses according to Planned Parenthood.
Additionally, if the lube is not oil-based, Planned Parenthood asserts that “lube and condoms are best friends.” For instance, “lube makes condoms feel better and helps keep them from breaking or pulling off, so they work better to protect […] from pregnancy and/or STDs.”
It can also help sex last longer. According to Durex, lube helps prevent “chafing and dryness” so one can “switch between positions, try new things, and enjoy every single minute.”
Essentially, lube makes intercourse more enjoyable, safer, and longer. Après Delight’s lube takes this experience to another level with the added element of CBD.
According to a press release, Après Delight’s CBD lube is “crafted using USDA-certified organic full spectrum Vermont hemp CO₂ extract […] and a unique blend of certified organic aphrodisiac oils.” Their goal? To create a product that “naturally boosted […] arousal, enhanced [..] pleasure, and decreased discomfort and dryness.”
Après Delight combines CBD with lube in order to create an intimacy oil that “will make you scream, moan, or silently bask in pure joy.” Although Après Delight believes in “breaking down the stigma around sexual health and wellness for women and humans with vulvas;” they want to make it clear that their product is for all people. Regardless of sex, gender, or sexual orientation, Après asserts that “all are welcome and can enjoy,” according to their website.
A Quick Clarification
So what is CBD anyway? According to Après Delight, CBD “is directly derived from the hemp plant. Furthermore, “unlike marijuana, CBD does not contain psychoactive THC.” In other words, this lube will not get you high. However, “when used as a lubricant, CBD has been shown to increase circulation and serotonin levels, improve blood flow, and decrease inflammation,” according to Après Delight.
Investigation into the endocannabinoid system (ECS) has further confirmed the relationship between cannabinoids like CBD and arousal. On a simple level, the ECS is “comprised of cannabinoid receptors, endogenous cannabinoids (endocannabinoids) [made by the body], and the enzymes responsible for the synthesis and degradation of the endocannabinoids,” according to the Biological Psychiatry journal.
The system helps “regulate a variety of functions in humans including sleep, mood, memory, appetite, reproduction, and pain sensation,” reports Leafly.
Furthermore, in 2012 The Journal of Sexual Medicine found a “significant relationship between endocannabinoid concentrations and female sexual arousal.” These results supported “the hypothesis that the [ECS] is involved in female sexual functioning.” This study further supports the connection between sexual arousal and the ECS. While the report does not directly mention CBD, its role within the ECS cannot be ignored.
Although more research is required to better establish the benefits of CBD lube, Huffington Post also states that “CBD is thought to decrease inflammation, increase blood flow and help with muscle relaxation, which might make CBD-infused lubricants a reliable option for women who have pain during intercourse.”
Après Delight CBD-Infused Intimacy Oil
150 mg CBD
1 fl. ounce bottle: $52.00

I tried Après Delight’s CBD lube in a classic solo session. The instructions are simple — apply “three pumps directly to your clitoris and the rest of your vulva.” I followed this guidance. But Après also advertises that the product can be administered on user’s fingers or their partners.
The bottle design makes the lube easy to apply, and it doesn’t hurt that it smells like lavender. I’ll admit, I sometimes struggle to let go when it comes to self-pleasure. However, after waiting the designated 15 minutes, I found it was much easier to relax and focus on the sensations I was experiencing. The lube prevented any potential dryness or pain, and I felt an increased sensitivity in all areas where I applied the product. To be blunt, I “reached my peak” rather quickly.
Test Results
Product test results indicate whether a product contains the exact amount of cannabinoids a company advertises. It also clarifies if it is free of contaminants like pesticides.
According to test results, or Certificate of Analysis (COA), the lube contains 150 mg of CBD per fluid ounce/30 mL. In greater detail, the COA reports that the concentration of CBD in their test sample was 5.15 mg per mL. Because each bottle contains 1 fl. ounce or 30 mL, that works out to 154.5 mg (5.15 x 30) per bottle, as the company advertised.
Kria Botanicals created the COA. Kria is a “certified organic hemp extraction and formulation lab,” according to their website. In reviewing the results, a Kria representative described the Après Delight label as “definitely accurate” to Emerald.

Additionally, the COA confirms that the formula only contains CBD, not other cannabinoids (on a detectable level). The COA only has information about cannabinoids, not contaminants, or other plant compounds like terpenes. Because of this, Emerald cannot confirm that it is an organic, full-spectrum formula.
Worth it?
My conclusion? Although the 30 mL bottle is expensive in comparison to other infused lubes; it is worth the price for its calming and enjoyable effects. I imagine that trying the oil with a partner would prove to be an exciting experience. Keep in mind — Après Delight is oil-based and it “will break down most condoms,” according to their website. It should not be used with latex condoms. The only complaint this writer has is that it does not include more magic oil for the high price.
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