Bless My Cocktail
By Daniel Urtnowski | Photos by Katherine O’ Callahan
Having tried so many unique entrées at Bless My Soul Cafe, we had to return for the Cocktail Edition and taste some of the unique drinks that caught our eyes during previous visits. Along with their local beer list, the most diverse of any restaurant in the area, and a fine selection of wines, Bless My Soul Cafe offers a series of specialty drinks with originality befitting Humboldt County. The staff is as committed to the freshness and integrity of ingredients in their drinks as they are in their food, as well as the same dedication to presentation. Needless to say, we were not disappointed.
The Creole Mint Julep
Honey sweet and citrus sour, this refreshing, one-of-a-kind cocktail should appeal to almost every palette. Presented in a large glass and made with their original, in-house “Mint to Love” Sauce, the flavors complement each other so well you might be motivated to order more than one.
The Love Potion
Light and fruity, this February will be the fourth Valentine’s Day celebrated by this tempting elixir since its inception, and we imagine it will be around for many years to come. The house-made Love Potion, a delightful infusion of champagne and vodka served in an ample glass, is reason enough to visit the Bless My Soul Cafe.
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