Cannabis culture is burgeoning across all markets so rapidly that one finds themselves unable to keep up with the constant innovations. Like so much glitter thrown into the air of the free market, boutique cannabis products seem to be absolutely everywhere — shining in new and different ways depending on the light.
The uses of high CBD and low THC products have so much applicability that it would seem most business have only recently begun to scratch that surface. With that, I recently interviewed Tracy Pavao of Homegrown Remedies, located in Tracy, California, who was inspired to take on cultivation of such products when someone very close to her was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She concurrently leapt into action to seek remedies. This is what she had to say about her experience, and products, so far.
Tracy Pavao: When I moved back to California to be close by, I started doing research on the benefits of CBD and THC to see what else I could do to procure a solution on my own. Shortly after this person begun radiation, I noticed that their skin broke out in rashes, which is what prompted me to create our CBD pain balm. [The balm] seemed to help take away the rashes. I couldn’t help but wonder what other applications that I could use for towards helping people. I worked on a high CBD tincture as well which helps with seizures.
Emerald Magazine: What are some of the ways that you experience the cannabis industry as a woman in a male dominated field?
TP: Well, I’m a small business [owner] and have a very little financial backing, so that was tough enough on it’s own. However It has been predominantly difficult even though I know there are scores of women in the cannabis industry, it appears to me that women have a harder time getting their products in the doors of dispensaries and shops. I’m not sure what on earth leads to this, perhaps because most of the dispensaries seem to be owned by men, but I’m certainly not going to allow that to deter me in any way, nor do I believe any other woman should be as well.
EM: What separates your business from others?
TP: It was my personal catalyst. I was inspired to be a part of this because of my compassion and care and not so much for the business end of it. The reason I got in was because I wanted to help people and keep it affordable. I worked at a dispensary for two years before all this and I saw patients regularly, which, on top of my own experiences, was a call to action [that] I couldn’t ignore. Thus, presently, I still want my business to thrive, but not at the expense of gouging customers which I’ve always felt so many of these clubs do.
EM: What do you see in store for the future of your businesses?
TP: As I learn more about the industry, I seek to expand the amount of CBD supply and density that I can put in to my products, but also to expand while keeping prices low. We’re also trying to look into products that could yield the same benefits on top of our soaps, creams, balms, and pain sprays […].
EM: Which of your products do you enjoy the most?
TP: I’d say my tinctures, pain creams, or soaps. It’s really hard to pin down because they all have such a varied array of benefits. I had never been able to use regular soap on my skin beforehand, until i started making my CBD soaps with coconut oil and glycerin. I noticed it also helps clear acne. The balm helps with rosacea, sciroccos, menstrual cramps, and even bug bites. The tincture helps with seizures, anxiety, and [symptoms of] parkinson’s disease.
EM: So you love all your children equally then?
TP: Absolutely. *laughs* I’m always looking for new ways to incorporate CBD in to my products.
SG: What is your best vision for the cannabis industry?
TP: That we don’t have all of the fine print and regulations, and that people are aware of the benefits without letting the initial and designed stigma guide their decision making.
Homegrown Remedies LLC is available to ship to anybody within the state of California that’s old enough to use their products. Having sampled the products personally when I was nicked by a mosquito a few days ago on a hike, I couldn’t recommend it enough. It’s one of the few times using a cannabis product that both came from someone’s home, and made me feel like I was more in mine.
For more information, visit HomeGrownRemediesLLC.com or call 1-888-79soaps.
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