Preliminary studies are alleging that alcohol and cannabis use can play a role in the viability of a pregnancy—when consumed by the sperm-having party.
So little is known about how substances interact with developing fetuses that whoever is carrying the child is often instructed to abstain from many common, everyday products, foods and environments, but miscarriages and birth defects still happen.
This extremely cautious approach never extended to fathers—until now.
A study at the Boston University School of Public Health helmed by researcher Alyssa Harlow analyzed data from over 1,500 couples, and the results are a big deal if they can be verified by further scientific research.
Harlow said, “Given that the human embryo is comprised 50% of the male’s genes, there’s been emerging interest in studying the role that men play.”
Her teams’ findings suggest that once weekly cannabis consumption could come with an over 50% increase in miscarriage in the first six weeks of pregnancy.
That’s not all. Earlier this month, alcohol use was suggested to also be a major contributor to heart diseases that are often comorbid with those born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome—and that it also comes from the sperm portion of an embryo.
As reported by I Fucking Love Science, a study from the Xiangya School of Public Heath showed a potential correlation between drinking within six months of conception with a 44% greater chance for congenital heart diseases in offspring.
This research could shift the responsibilities of pregnancy and conception in a major way as the picture comes more into focus.
Society could really use this information; too often are mothers blamed, shamed, and isolated by the process of conception and pregnancy, especially when something goes wrong.
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