By Samantha Wahl
Following important cannabis news articles every day can be a real burn-out, we know. That’s why the Emerald rolls up a chronicle of the headiest news hits, and passes them to you at the end of each week. We Bring You: The Digital Dime.
Massive Cash Flow From Recreational Sales
As legalization takes off around the country, we can start to piece together sales stats from each state. An MJBizDaily chart representing Massachusetts’ cumulative recreational sales shows an almost $400 million spike in just one year. The publication predicts that the state could reach $1 billion by 2021.
Meanwhile, Michigan pot shops just opened their doors for the first time at the start of December. Sales surpassed $1.6 million within the first week. With $162,900 made from taxes, the impressive profit demonstrates how positive legalization can be for individual states’ expenses.
Here Are Specific Vape Brands Linked to Illnesses
Scientists and industry officials have been working toward detecting the terrifying force driving the vape crisis since its outbreak this year. They recently attributed vitamin E acetate to lung illnesses (EVALI). Now they’re setting their sights on specific brands. According to Cannabis Business Times, 152 brands have been sighted by victims. The most commonly reported thus far include Dank Vapes, TKO, Smart Cart, and Rove. Dank Vapes, for one, is now a known black market company after being outed this year. Avoid the phonies at all costs.
California Talks Pot and Pregnancy
Pregnant users are currently one of the biggest taboos of the cannabis industry. While some moms guarantee pot’s positive effects on prenatal symptoms, there’s not enough research to confirm its safe for their children. But California is officially declaring the issue a risk, the Associated Press reports. After discussing its stats across scientific studies, the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee voted to “require warning labels for products legally sold” within the state. Opposers note the potential for labels to present false claims, considering the lack of affirmed data.
Study Challenges Cannabis Hangover Myth
A recent Canadian study tested the effects of next-day THC levels on drivers, and the results could debunk some cannabis superstitions. Subjects who smoked weed 24 hours before participating in a driving simulation, “showed no signs of impairment,” Global News reports. While THC was present in their bloodstreams, their cognitive function proved to be satisfactory. Researchers also tested the participants 30 minutes after smoking. At that point, drivers were slower and neglected designated lanes. Because THC will still show up on drug tests one day after consumption, this study won’t expunge anyone from DUIs any time soon. Nevertheless, it’s a good step toward the normalization we need.
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