By Samantha Wahl
Following important cannabis news articles every day can be a real burn-out, we know. That’s why the Emerald rolls up a chronicle of the headiest news hits, and passes them to you at the end of each week. We Bring You: The Digital Dime.
A Case of Cannabis-Induced Psychosis?
Doctors look into cannabis as a possible cause for a former baseball player’s major depressive episode. A USA Today article explains how Madison McIntosh suffered from psychosis after vaping a large amount of THC. While studies on linking such disorders with the drug vary, some consider the possibility of a “cannabis-induced psychosis.” However, any evidence of mental health issues following cannabis use must also be compared to a patient’s genetic history. The amount of THC consumed is also a factor. If a strain fails to include a balance of THC to CBD, there could be negative effects on cognitive state.
But the Good News Is, It’s Beneficial for PTSD
A recent study backs cannabis as a positive treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). A group of researchers examined data collected by the 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey, with the aim to correlate cannabis-use with PTSD symptoms. The disorder is often associated with depression and suicidal thoughts. However, in conjunction with cannabis, researchers noticed these symptoms significantly decreased. Cannabis has been used to treat PTSD in the past, but this study zeros in on specific advantages.
Nobody Is Happy With Current Hemp Regulations
Following the 2018 Farm Bill, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a much-anticipated list of regulations on the hemp market. Recently, they gave the public a chance to openly comment on their decisions with a proposed December 2019 deadline. Comment, we did. Furthermore, legislators have sent several letters to the USDA opposing the rules, Marijuana Moment reports. The letters explained that the rules set are strict, and that limiting legal hemp to contain .3% THC could severely impact growers’ production value and ultimately, sales. In response, the USDA extended the comment window to late January 2020. If legalized states have proven anything, it’s that cannabis has immense potential for profit in the U.S. We think if given the opportunity, hemp could be an even bigger improvement.
What to do with Used Cartridges
Vape cartridges can’t be recycled. Technically, they shouldn’t be thrown away, either. So, what do we do with them? Up Kindness, the California non-profit organization, is working on a solution. For now, they have a temporary plan in place: use them as art. Cannabis Business Times reported on Carts for the Arts, an exhibit surrounding used cartridges. Pieces featured clothing, jewelry, and more, made entirely out of layered vapes. The organization also held a panel discussion that focused on unregulated disposables. They aim to propose a law that requires cartridge companies to make cartridges out of recyclable material. Though many in the U.S. are more aware of the dangers of plastic now more than ever; there’s work to be done in the ever-expanding cannabis industry. Vapes are a good place to start.
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